Home assistant shell command. dosomething works with the value 3.
Home assistant shell command The shell command is saved in configuration. To do this I try to use the integrated shell_command. Executing commands in this add-on using a Home Assistant service call. I’ll see if I can find it OK. If you want the automation to run every x minutes, you’ll want to use something like '/15'. It runs when invoked from a ssh shell. But I don’t want the big card with the single button, I want it in a group with other devices so, I tried something else that also works with 2) a switch You can’t execute a shell command on the host machine like that. input_select: webradio: name: Same here. Something like this (no idea it it will work like this): shell_command: switch_nas_off: "ssh -l sshd 192. https://community. aten2 - service: shell_command. start_kodi. yaml file as well as created a “shell_commands. logger: default: critical logs: homeassistant. It works, if I start it in the Home Assistant Terminal. but how to return the data when executed ?? shell_command: Home Assistant Shell Command. Thanks Sir_Goodenough. 0 on a Pi3) I am trying, to no avail, to get command-line arguments passed to my shell script. ssh/id_rsa -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q [email protected] sensors I think that “command” not includ id_rsa. That’s why I can SSH without password from terminal but get errors on the shell_command. I’m running Hass OS, and it looks like there is a big difference between the community add-on “SSH & Web Terminal” and the official add-on"Terminal & SSH", with the latter I’ve attempted to manually To get HA running, I simply followed the guide on home-assistant. My shell_command script looks like this (I commented out a ton trying to figure out why it was failing):. sh" 2, The bash file sends to the av-reciever nc command for power on (“po”), then waits for response (“pwr0”) and depending on the response switches the HA input. ssh/id_rsa -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no The commands can be dynamic, using templates to insert values for arguments. sp2003 (Sp2003) February 28, 2024, 1:21pm 4. Any service data passed into the I have a light that I can query the on/off state and also send commands via TCP. I’m trying to make an on/off switch for my pc and got the WoL part working. I have created the following shell command for this purpose: shell_command: shutdown_proxmox: 'ssh -i /config/. I had it working before but after a new install of HA it stopped. A convention is all it should be. Hopefully someone can see what needs correcting. There is some king of explanation of what reload core does. yaml file? There should be a lot more than just that in there. Create a file in the resinos-boot partition called authorized_keys thanx @michaelblight yes you are assuming right, im using hassio so i will stay on using the config folder for backup, hopefully not to forget to clean it up The commands can be dynamic, using templates to insert values for arguments. Similarly, only content after the first space can be generated by a template. ” Why is this the case? doesn’t the same convention go for all entities in home assistant? 2 Likes. For example i want to read the value inside key ‘value’ which is 255 Here is my code an the return inside respons_variable status I am only able to access the dict behind stdout with " {{ status[‘stdout’] }} " but i have no clue how to access keys. Here is the shell command file sky_playpause. The code below is in the automations. 2024. x. 5 unit_of_measurement: 'dB' This should call this Shell Command, it works @ondras12345 When I said just returns the prompt then what I actually meant to say was didnt return any errors but doesnt delete the files. Gerd_Berlin March 27, 2023, 4:42pm 8. I am working with the “shell command” component service. The shell_command: set_ac_to_slider: is defined in the automation itself. I think this is because I run HA in a docker, and Nmap was installed from raspian os, outside the container I run shell commands in this cases by ssh from HA, like shell_command: IP:Scan: ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /folder/id_rsaMYRASPBERRY sudo nmap -sn 192. 0. I want to run a curl command and the command I have works fine in the terminal. currentPower I have gone through the trouble of compiling a neat little acme client for home assistant on the raspberry pi, I have fixed scripts to update them. This allows you to execute commands and scripts within the SSH & Web Terminal add-on, straight from Home Assistant. That said, I am finding there are certain circumstances where WOL will work and others where I need to run a script to turn something back on. Not working. Configuration. Alternate From Shell command and SSH to NUT addon - #4 by imeekle. Hello, I would like to be able to switch my Proxmox server on and off using a switch. - Have you tried running the command from the command-line to see if it works? 2. I don’t see a way to get Home Assistant to capture the output from the shell_command. IO Home Assistant OS Was not working without the ‘~’ in front of the path, I tried that as well using /config/dropbox_uploader. I want a UI button to trigger a door unlock. When HA runs an automation it generates unique ID’s for the execution “this” and “trigger” actions. yaml so for instance customize stuff. Then use your shell commands as the on/off actions in a template switch: Home Assistant. Did you read this bit: Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 09-31-55 Shell Thank you for your comment, but it didn’t work eather (I also tried that before). Execute ssh command directly through a shell_command in ha: does not work. It’s pretty simple once you actually figure out how Shut down your pi and put the SD Card in your computer. currentPower sensor. What errors do you see in Settings → System → Logs? Lekhacquang96 (Quang) July 27, 2024, 3:38am 8. However the Shell Command integration in the configuration. From within home assistant I can call on the shell command! Hello. Template Switch. However when I try to execute the automation I get the following error: Script does not support ‘response_variable’ for service ‘response_variable’ which does not support response data Got {‘type’: ‘execute_script’, ‘sequence’: [{‘service’: Hi, I have been using tasker (with autovoice) to control my iKettle; a kettle that can be controlled from an app. Instructions on how to integrate the command line utility within Home Assistant. ) February 28, 2024, 1:04pm 3. . Just a question, in you docker-compose, home assistant depends on zwave2mqtt, doesn’t this mean that home assistant will be restarted as well, when you restart zwave2mqtt. four2six (J. What was the last working version of Home Assistant Core? No response. Strange though that the exact same command works perfectly when run in the shell itself? This shell command output can be saved in a response_variable called “json_value”. kodi # you can Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. yaml The Not sure if this helps you, see example below. That didn’t work. Your current shell_command: volume_up: ssh username@192. I have an Raspberry pi running HA in a docker container. The Home Assistant Command-line interface (hass-cli) allows one to work with a local or a remote Home Assistant Core or Home Assistant (former Hass. This add-on uses the hassio. next page → alexa: intents: test: action: - service: shell_command. What you send is what you send. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. When using templates, shell_command runs in a more secure environment which doesn’t allow any shell helpers like automatically expanding the home dir ~ or using pipe symbols to run multiple commands. I also have an MQTT sensor that I use as an ‘info box’ to publish messages to to alert me of successes/failures/things in progress. Hi guys, I wanted to configure shell commands to execute a bash script. home_door_four_off If you can get state feedback from the switch with a command you can add that to the switch too. In this script, there are a lot of things to work through. disable It seems command line don’t work. Hello, I’m a beginner at HA and I’ve had good results. It Hi! I’m new to Home Assistant. 60. sensor. js so I can refresh a homebridge camera image. I’m pretty new to this and I’ve worked through just about every kind of shell command structure in HA to get this working. Now, because I do not want to restart Core for https in case of of other things being interrupted, I have resorted to nginx-proxy Anyway, since you can run your python script from linux command line, you could use HA’s shell command: Home Assistant. Or is there a better way? The shell command definition is an integration, it does not go in your automation actions (which you have also missed defining). My use case: I have a script that is triggered when I flick a switch on my HA, which backs up my Raspberry Pi. Wow, Looks like there have been some parameter changes since I last tested my send_sms shell_command - I tested this evening after making some other configuration changes and was getting some 127 errors which I traced back to the parameters in the command. I recognized that Home Assistant project surpised me gracefully due to Hi, not an expert here but maybe I’m lucky. state }} This example assumes the my_command script takes the password as primary input This way, I can reuse the template sensor containing my password everywhere I need (until it’s directly supported to use secrets in the shell_command itself), The image should save to the ha_www_images directory. 5 Getting started; Documentation . [20220724_234108] [20220725_000452] The docker command is only available if the protection mode is disabled. sh? Heya! I’m new to HA and automation in general. then enter nut username and password. 10. Maybe I miss something after installing HA. In PC-Active 299 (april/may 2018) Adri Wischmann describes how these devices can be modified into a smartswitch with ESPEasy firmware. ssh -i /config/. This means the light toggle button can sometimes toggle back and forth while the binary Instructions on how to integrate the command line utility within Home Assistant. Put this in your configuration. This Instructions how to integrate Shell commands into Home Assistant. Yes I mad the script executeable by chmod +x. Thanks for trying to help Rob I’ve finally got it working (after wasting the entire morning) in the end it was a combination of things but I now run the command over ssh rather than straight off file system and I had to add this to the top of the download. 12. When debugging an issue related to the OS or docker, you might need access to the host itself. You can also use the homeassistant. 1 Like. So you Instant commands supported on UPS. 22. jpg" -mtime +30 -exec rm -- above, is from within /homeassistant. grid. yaml. Shell Command. My Hi, Maybe someone can help. alias: ‘Run Python script once a day’ trigger: platform: time at: ‘8:05:00 PM’ action: service: shell_command. I’m new to the forum, but would like to share my 2 cents: I had a similar issue with my (less than €10) Sonoff smartswitches. 188 set timeout 20 vzdump 101 --compress zstd --storage pbs But I get this error: stdout: "" stderr: Yes of course. edersong (Ederson Santos) April 20, 2021, 6:38pm 3. 178. altimac: The shell_command: set_ac_to_slider: is defined in the Not directly to your question. sh file: The first (shell) is more general, but requires the existence of additional software on the HA host, while the second is more specific and (probably) uses „native“ functions from the HA software stack. I see that the documentation says: When using templates, shell_command runs in a more secure environment. Then call that shell command in your automation. Instructions on how to integrate Template Switches into Home Assistant. Right now I’m trying to send a shell command from the docker container to the static ip from the pc, but it does not Hi, it might be a problem with the indention of the yaml-file. I have installed sshpass again. How can I catch the output I’ve created a shell script to back up my stuff to a github repo. I’ve added the code to the blank automations. The commands can be dynamic, using templates to insert values for arguments. shell_command: execute_with_password: bash my_command. Home Assistant configuration. 1# Now I’m trying to obtain session ID to download station via shell command. g. you have to create an automation, switch, script etc to call the service that calls the command. shell_command: show_toast_command: 'ls -l {{ dir }}' Cool, so HA is working then, so it’ll be something in your script that is failing. addon_stdin service to expose a shell interface to Home Assistant. However i need to use this code to return the data. in HA terminal. I am querying a POE switch running openWRT to keep track of the POE status. dosomething works with the value 3. Would someone help me understand what I’m getting wrong here? I’ve been staring at it too long, I think This works: shell_command: kick_station_from_ap: 'ssh -i /config/ssh/id_rsa -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@1 @PremiumUserName, I really appreciate your post. That said, I have found good results by using the command_line sensor with bash scripts. The command_line in Home Assistant has been changed (see The automation is called either through a script which exposed to Google Assistant as a scene, or directly from a combination of Linux and Windows servers, networking devices, and some other stuff that isn’t integrated into Home Assistant. This happens by executing a curl command. Learn how to use shell_command, command_line, custom_component, and other options to How can I send variables (e. Makes it a bit easier to debug, without having to start and stop HA as you revise. VSC gives me errors for all keywords: Missing property “action” for automation: Property input_number is not allowed for input_number: etc. Documentation for the Home Assistant Script Syntax. 30 'sh /usr/sbin/shutdown. 8. 71:8000/webapi Shell command w/sqlite3 Home Assistant OS. My shell_command runs a script containing this: ssh -i /config/. This took a surpising amount of digging to find I needed to debug a command_line switch that wasn’t working as expected in hass. The problem is that it is clearly not what’s suggested in HA documentation: Shell Command - Home Assistant (see AUTOMATION EXAMPLE paragraph). I can already make it work in two ways: 1) a big button card: It uses a “Call service” action that I defined previously. What if I tried to get a shell commands return value in an automation based on the example in Shell Command - Home Assistant. 7. I can send the shell I want to create a webradio playing om my chromecast. Good point about the shell scripts. Install an I spent a lot of hours working on a shell script for Home Assistant. This is basically not a problem. x pactl – set-sink-volume 0 +5% The command works as expect when executed from the terminal, but does not when used as a script in home assistant. clean_balcony_images: 'find /www/img/security/balcony I can’t get it working to trigger a custom python script with an command line parameter via a shell_command. 8 KB. Very nice so far, first step done. Configuration variables: Alias for the command; Command itself. I am under the impression that my shell commands run on my proxmox shell as my ha core cannot run the commands that i have in my shell_command: configuration, yet they run. I guess you'd also have to set up a script if you wanted it exposed to google home/alexa alias: Restart Container Instructions on how to integrate Shell commands into Home Assistant. io and it seems i’m not able to run commands from the shell, both using shell_command and command_on/off. shell_command: debug I don’t know, touch isn’t a shell script, what I want to do is turn a windows 10 pc off with the turn_off cmd, when I run the shell script from the cli as user ‘homeassistant’ it works and the computers shuts down. PB97 (PB) August 17, 2024, 3:19pm 5. SSH was the answer. sh'" You will probably need to read this: SSH'ing from a command line sensor or shell command Configuration variables: Alias for the command; Command itself. gude_epc_8211_port06_poweron turn_off: action: shell_command. I trying to download files from ftp and place it to Home Assistant ssl dir using shell_command and curl. volume helper entity - and that requires the entire string to be encased in quotes. But with this you can call the Bluetooth connect. I have a simple command to sleep my iMac which runs fine from hassio shell but not from UI toggle. I can create two sensor templates but I want to update the template state value with the shell_command response. io switch: - platform: template switches: home_door_four: turn_on: service: shell_command. another shell command that should work is. But it would be nice to have an option, to overide the 60s with another value for one or all configured Sometimes a question is just so common, and so much has been posted about it, that you can’t actually find the answer anymore and have to start fresh 🙂 I run HA and HAOS on an RPi4 located in a closet. pv. yaml file: Looking to automatically execute commands on a Raspberry Pi or Linux machine from within Home Assistant? This step-by-step guide will teach you how to send shell commands to any other machine on your network. I have You will need an entity for the switch state. by the way: shell_command: start_kodi: kodi & And when I check the services with the api, there is a service with name shell_command. Home Assistant Community Catch shell_command output? Configuration. I am trying to setup a stereo receiver to run my whole home stereo system and would like to use the FM source, but have the users select the station from a drop-down list. Interes Hi everyone, I have a shell command, which runs fine from the ssh inside Home Assistant OS, but fails when started from an automation. gude_epc_8211_port06_poweroff This works to turn on/off, How can I use shell_commands in a switch and how do I combine different platforms in my configuration. Can you show me the correct syntax in my automation, please? tom_l February 28, 2024, 1:44pm 5 Code owners of shell_command can trigger bot actions by commenting: @home-assistant close Closes the issue. My knowledge on docker containers and Linux is pretty limited, I am very much a windows dev. I’m always getting errors like this, but I can’t find any help what it means: 2020-03-04 17:49:47 ERROR (MainT ssh command in terminal: works! Even without sudo. password. After that you can write a script to run the shell command then wait X minutes and then turn off the smart plug: Home Assistant Script Syntax. io) instance directly from the command-line. testscript is in /root/config and chmod 755. Ssh without password work from the shell with ssh root@xxxxx . Read the page I linked to. The webradio is an input_select and i want to execute shell_command I use pychromecast and pyhon-files to start my webradiostations. shell_command: post_influx: /bin/bash testscript. Thanks to this blog, I knew what to send, and to use port 2000. 5 in Docker on Unraid if Hi All, (running on Home Assistant 0. Took some work to figure out but had to generate some certs and the like. 200 to known_hosts. I’ve setup ssh keys and if I use the terminal, I can run the script with no problems, but when I run the shell_command via an automation it’s not authenticated. sh tvservice -s. quacko November 18, 2024, 5:52pm 3. Lastly, I set up the shell_command: shell_command: poweroff_nuvola: ssh admin@192. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi I have a question regarding sending Curl using shell commands. This Will this patch survive an upgrade ? Home Assistant Community nop! you have to modify same file after upgrade as home assistant repolace all I want to execure a shell command using the api rest. pv_power = json_value. Installation When I started using Home Assistant (HA) I was missing a way to interact with HA via a command line (CLI). rmutter December 28, 2024, 5:33pm 3. yaml) starts a bash file (Thx for koying) shell_command: send_po: "bash /config/po_with_response. After I type Yes and added it to known hosts I was able to run the command above perfectly. Home Assistant is running supervised on Mac OS using UTM. 110 'poweroff' All goes well. There is no mention of mandatory authentication at Shell Command - Home Assistant I want to shutdown my Windows PC or during testing just to create a directory. There I need no password. Hi – I am trying to run a shell script file as part of an automation. I use the GUI a fair bit in home assistant so I may be adding this in the wrong location. Just to be clear, are you asking how to set up a port listener on HA in the same way that you would on a Firewall that forwards all messages received on a certain port to a TCP service on HA? tom_l August 17, 2024, 3 I’ve got a little PiZero with some LEDs on it and i’m wondering if/how can i call this script from a button # configuration. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. The shell commands are services. Turning off less so. There is a service which is meant to set the HDMI out, but I can’t get this to work (other commands work fine). play_a_sound data: filename: Ship_Bell. I assume my problem is related to this. X -U I have the following shell_command integration set up in my configuration file: #in config file shell_command: execute_ssh: 'sshpass -p "sshpassword" ssh "[email protected]" "ssh command 1 to execute; ssh command 2 to execute"' Calling this integration through the shell_command. @home-assistant reopen Reopen the issue. disable. This is how I do it. I therefore wonder if the root user can have different rights. Obviously ALL commands has an output at least indicating if command was executed. testscript consists of echo $* > /tmp/xxx set >> /tmp/xxx. https://www. home-assistant. shh Then I tested the command from Home Assistant ssh, the command is this: ssh admin@192. automation. Start script in terminal: works! also without sudo commands. (and by the way this is very handy) tom_l April 11, 2024, 5:32am 13. This all works except when you turn it on or off, the state doesn’t get updated until the binary_sensor scan_interval is triggered. grid_power = json_value. Found on the Shell command web page: “Shell commands aren’t allowed for a camel-case naming, please use lowercase naming only and separate the names with underscores. 10 on a vm 10. shell_command: restart_container: !secret restart_container. I have home assistant installed on proxmox with ip 10. vpn_on shell_command: vpn_on: ssh user1@192. execute_ssh service that becomes exposed does not work. io and installed it directly on an SD card, I didn’t specifically set up docker instances. If I change my script to write just to /config/, it works just fine, but I can’t have the file saved there. scene_activated event_data: entity_id: zwave. mp3 If i understand tis right i can’t send that kind of links from Home Assistant to chromecast. dosomething2 Any one have any idea why. 168. [20220724_234108] [20220725_000452] The docker The above correctly echoes “oh hi mark” then greps the result, showing “oh hi mark” as stdout if I run the command via Home Assistant > Developer Tools > Services > select my_command, and it correctly shows an empty stdout if I grep on a non-present string. vol_mic; shell_command. Depending on the way you invoke the Home Assistant, the shell commands can be executed with either bash or sh. and saved in /root/config/. I have other scripts called the exact same way and i do no understant why this one dont. Similarly, only content after the first space can be generated by a Hello all, For some fun on Friday I thought I would share some of my config segments With tts installed a new movie playing can be announced audibly by HA with the following code added #Under Automation segment automation: - alias: 'Announcement Movie state changed' hide_entity: true trigger: platform: state entity_id: media_player. 50. Does that work with imports or still same limitation? I Hi, this is my first post and I’m fairly new to Home Assistant. Switching on should work via WakeOnLan, switching off should be done via SSH. If you get to more than a few distinct words in your command I would put it in an external script (to avoid possible parsing issues and make the config more readable, and you can then modify scripts without reloading the config file as well). Hi All, I am very new to Home Assistant (and using YAML) and I am having troubles with the shell_command. marm3 - service: shell_command. Agreed I dont think that these are backup Hello everybody! I’m trying to get this script working from Home assistant node-red without success: The script works when manually executed frome command line. volum_variabil; You will note the first 2 commands are not enclosed in quotes, but the 3rd one is. Instructions on how to integrate Shell commands into Home Assistant. e. (Yes I realise it would be a ‘silent’ script. Thanks @finity - will check this , It can be kind of risky implement some of the things there in qnap env , Thanks @HomAut, I have a ssh server running (build in feature in QNAP), the question is if the HA docker “see” it? Bash script works ok from SSH Terminal, not when used as shell_command service in HASS. yaml file but does not execute. The ha_www_images directory is an NFS share from the Ubuntu host. The script works perfectly when running it manually from the command line (via the Terminal add-on) In my configuration. Home Assistant also monitors the time and date that the script was last run and displays it in an entities card using SSH to fetch the data. yaml shell_command: test: ssh j@192 I am running Home Assistant on my OSX machine and I want to run a shell which just contains #!/bin/bash node test. sensor. The problem now is known_hosts. When I simply try docker exec -it homeassistant /bin/bash. The last one is severely limited, of course, and often leads to errors and Home Assistant Shell Command. What I’d like to do is when a button is pressed, that command is sent and the light state changes. homeassistant\\python\\dosomething. 2 syntax. 1, A shell command (Thx for tom_l) (in configuration. service: shell_command. Installation; Automations; Dashboards; If you’d like to know how many failed login attempts are made to Home Assistant, add the following to your configuration. I am still having problem on using shell command on my home assistant. play_sound I’ll admit I’m not the most experienced with shell commands, so I’m hoping someone here can give me a little guidance. Integration causing the issue. sh. yaml (below I only use platform: command_line) switch: platform: command_line switches: house_schedule_switch Shell command w/sqlite3 Home Assistant OS. Both of these things were achieved using shell commands. I’m running the supervised version on a Pi4. - What is that single dot between homeassistant and alexa_remote_control. io/t/sshing-from-a-command-line-sensor-or-shell-command/258731. I set up my kettle to a static ip on my home network, and can now via tasker send commands (and, I guess, the kettle could send back its status) using the “send/expect” action. Running a shell command from Home Assistant to remote linux PC Configuration. I want to use an automation to copy files from HA to a mounted directory (a Win PC). shell_command: download_curl: “/usr/bin/curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -o /ssl/new_ful Using a Pre-Generated Value The best-est easiest place I found for a unique ID for stuff is to use one generated for you. home_door_four_on turn_off: service: shell_command. You just need to define the shell commands using the Shell Command integration, and then create an automation to call the appropriate service, which it looks like you’ve done. How can I catch the output (standard out) of a shell_command into HA? And no, I don’t want to use a command line sensor, since that is called with an interval. truncate -s 0 filename. @home-assistant rename Awesome new title Renames the issue. Since the Instructions on how to integrate Shell commands into Home Assistant. Thus I started working on Home You can do it with an SSH command. That is because the 3rd one uses a dynamic parameter for the command - the state of the input_number. 172 pause I have tried this with and without ' marks, and different permutations, eg with / without sudo Which is called via a script, as posted above (Config setup also explained) I have also tried having. You don’t need the whole guide, just my post about the community addon-ssh with disabled protection mode. 1 Like Spatz December 26, 2024, 11:34pm Here is my config: script: vpn_on: alias: Turn VPN on sequence: - service: shell_command. sh" In my automation yaml file: It took a while to figure this out, so I might as well document this. io so I wanted a shell on the actual environment. Hi Keith, Just a word of caution on how Home Assistant runs shell commands. or call it from the services page. Here is an updated/complete answer for 2024. Post reboot, the first time I tried to run the command from shell as root in docker I was prompted to add target machine, 192,168. I been able to ssh in my home assistant core : ssh [email protected] than i created a key with: ssh-keygen -t ed25519. Looking for some advice on how to tackle this. I can run the script from venv, so the issue must be within HA How to do this, the reason why i’m trying is that the REST platform doesn’t support variables in the payload and that’s really annoying I’m using payed version of 17track and created a command that registers the package number, that works really great. Yeah, ha commands not working from it, tried it already. ssh/id_rsa -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no Home Assistant Community Shell command with parameters not working. I want to call a service in HA depending on output of the shell command Hello. #import argparse import Instructions on how to integrate Shell commands into Home Assistant. The remote machine is a Instructions on how to integrate Shell commands into Home Assistant. Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. My UrBackup is running in another server and I didn’t find a way to perform queries on remote Instructions on how to integrate Shell commands into Home Assistant. What you are currently doing is executing the shell command inside the docker container. It works fine. Then, I try to execute this command using the api calling the service: Instructions on how to integrate Shell commands into Home Assistant. the only thing they do is expose a service to call the command. the file has been chmod +x. I already got the automation working using shell_command to curl the snap. py 3 Yeah, that’s from the home assistant log. 3. htotoo (Totoo) January 29, 2024, 10:14pm 3. vol_mare; shell_command. reload core only reloads things under homeassistant: in your config. find www/img/security/balcony -type f -name "*. A CLI allows you to utilize the power of auto-completion, scripting and direct access. I just need to run a script through an automation. backup. 110 'poweroff' After reboot, if I try to execute the command using “services”, I find this in the log: Erro Hi! I’m new to Home-Assitant, i’ve spent almost one week trying to solve this issue on my own, but now i need your help. I hadn’t thought to check the logs, but it revealed that there was a shell command configured in the format “curl_abcdeFG” and it didn’t like the two upper case characters. So an automation or triggered template sensor that calls the state command regularly. Looking at the amount of search hits on this subject, I wasn’t not the only one that needed access to the host itself. @home-assistant unassign shell_command Removes the current integration label and assignees on the issue, add the integration domain As far as running a shell command every x minutes, yes, you are on the right track. Link to integration documentation on our website. There’s a community guide that may help if this is your issue: SSH'ing from a command line sensor or shell command. I never knew how to create an object from an SSH command. Working with a consolidated configuration, I have: automation: - id: Bulk Quad Detector alias: Bulk Quad Detector hide_entity: true trigger: - platform: event event_type: zwave. Command that works perfectly fine from HA terminal is: curl 'http://192. sensor data) to a shell script by using shell_command? I need values of Home Assistant in the shell script. To do so, I’ve created a shell command in configuration. You use shell_command platform in your yaml, I have a bad experience with command_line one. It seems daunting but all of this is probably 15 minutes to put together and once you do it you’ll In the tutorial I show you how to connect Home Assistant to a remote Linux machine and execute a simple shell script. It does nothing, if I run it through my automation. After the docker exec -it homeassistant bash command you see a prompt like bash-5. X. 52. sky_playpause: sudo -u pi -H /usr/bin sky-remote-cli 192. Two ideas: 1. I have the input select added to my configuration. Please advise. However, it seems that I cannot update the ssl directory in automations, due to it being read-only. I use bash variables to capture the output of commands and the create return value by ‘echoing’ a JSON string for Home Assistant command line sensor: Good hunting! Until recently, I was able to control which of my HDMI outputs my Onkyo AV receiver was using, and also switch on/off the TV that’s connected to the ‘main’ HDMI out via CEC. yalm file doesn’t work for me (included according to the documentation). Please take note of this: Screenshot 2024-12-22 at 14-12-08 Shell Command - Home Assistant 1487×291 21. yaml shell_command: start: ssh [email protected]-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i Hi all, I’m currently trying to figure out if it’s possible to read the output of a shell_command call and check for errors. I think it has to do with Hass being in docker but I can’t get into the container’s shell either as the containers aren’t actually listed in Portainer. As to the format in the post one cannot really see, but make sure it looks like this: Hi, i need to pass value into the python script. I ran into this topic and just wanted to report back how I got it working, because there’s some misinformation. duceduc December 4, 2023, 11:58am 5. ext 1 Like. The links to the stations i want to play doesn’t end with . Did you perform a configuration check and restart home assistant after creating that? Where is the rest of your configuration. I’m trying to use a “shell_command” in an automation and am experimenting with the example from the home assistant documentation. But it doesn’t work if the value is from the service data: shell_command. 1 I can’t seem to get my shell command to run, and I’m not sure why. A discussion thread about how to run shell commands in Home Assistant, especially ffmpeg, with various solutions and tips. Thanks for all these hints. The issue is I’m generated the keys from the root OS, not from the docker container that the shell_command runs through. components. Any service data passed into the ssh works by GUI but not working with shell_command or command_line. test I’m wondering if the “test:” part here causing some weird problems? indentation compared to I have a couple of TTLOCKs and a Gateway which I’m trying to access using HA, with no formal integration support. The Terminal & SSH Add-on drops you in a container, while this might be enough for shell_command. I’m trying to make a shell_command that will use ssh to run a command against a remote server. and launch your python script from this. sh {{ states. If the file is run using the Terminal and SSH add-on it works fine. What type of installation are you running? Home Assistant Supervised. 1. I can successfully connect to the locks from the command line with curl as per the TTLOCK API docs, so I know it’s possible. #!/bin/bash ssh -i "/config/scripts/id_rsa" -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no pi@hostname The issue is I’m generated the keys from the root OS, not from the docker container that the shell_command runs through. I add the command in the following location: Automation & Scenes, I have created a we can our “long” shell command call. I guess there’s a problem with authentication. The only thing that changed is swapping - service for - action. yaml” file and included it into the configuration file. I’ve tried a few approaches all of shell commands don’t show up anywhere after they are created. show_toast_command data_template: message: ‘test’ the only parameter shell_command supports is alias but the main issue is your command is executed as-is and there is no attempt to parse a template UPDATE: I created a simple shell_command. 0/24 Hi Everyone, After many days on and off trying to solve this one I finally got it (wellso far I think it works!) Part of the problem was a few apostrophes and quotes, and I also ended up using rest_command instead of shell_command. metbril (Robert 🇳🇱🇪🇺) March 30, 2017, 4:16am 1. My system is running Home Assistant Core 2022. Sure, that’s what I used to use when I used Home Assistant Core in Docker (which is still running, but I’m slowly migrating to HassOS VM), but this is HassOS, a qcow2 running with KVM, any command having any effect on it would start with virsh, not docker. I’ve made a script that can turn it off, on and get the status. Gerd_Berlin March 26, 2023, 7:14am 7. One thing is, to turn on a powerplug an wait for the attached device to be ready via ping. This is my configuration. The way I do it is via MQTT. I dont exactly know the reason, why this timeout was implemented. upscmd [email protected] beeper. Home Assistant Shell Command. So you need to console into the Home Assistant Docker container and generate the keys from there, not from the Home Assistant OS Home Assistant Shell Command. boolean to on or off For debugging you can add this to your configuration. Thank you! shell_command: dosomething: python \\. jpg from Hey everyone, I am running a python script via shell_command. The other proposals I will try out and come back. I tested manually the shell command via terminal with success, so the command line is ok. That is the shell command code: shell_command: awning_in: "/bin/bash /root Home Assistant Shell Command. I want to be able to process a still image taken from my front door camera and process (rotate & crop) it before sending it via Pushover when somebody rings my doorbell. mp3 script: play_a_sound: alias: Play a sound from a file sequence: - delay: 00:00:02 - data_template: filename: "{{ filename }}" service: shell_command. update_entity service to update this state after your turn on and turn off commands so that you don’t have to wait for the sensor to be polled (possibly causing bouncing of the switch state in the Home Assistant Shell Command. Call script as shell_command through ha: does not work. At Good morning, i need help to access diffent keys in dict inside the respons_variable of shell_command. The general principle for passwordless access from HA to another server: Create ssh keys without a password on the HA machine, using ssh-keygen (don’t type a password it’s a common confusion for sure. Hey thanks for the help, I had it working with the following code: switch: platform: command_line switches: magicmirror: command_on: “ssh [email protected] ‘sudo tvservice -p’” command_off: “ssh [email protected] ‘sudo tvservice -o’” friendly_name: Magic Mirror To a shell command. yaml: shell_command: shutdown_pc: ‘net rpc shutdown -I 192. I’m running Hass. sd_dracula November 2, 2021, 3:43pm 6. shell_command. Hi, I have this input number in configuration: input_number: denon_level_center: name: Level Center min: -12 max: 12 step: 0. Hello, I try to login with a shell_command script on my proxmox host to make a backup. tom_l January 29, 2024, 10:33pm 4. yaml file I’ve added: # expose shell commands: shell_command: ha_gitpush: "/config/ha_gitpush. Yes, at each level you need to pass it on: automation: - action: - service: script. alphalz (Ueli Blum) February 4, 2022, 10:03pm 3. (does not find the created shell command), - there is a print below. My understanding - What is version of Home Assistant Core has the issue? core-2021. quad1 action: I’m trying to create a light that requires communicating to the Samsung SmartThings API. I’m assuming it has something to to with being logged in as root while in the terminal, but the web interface using a different user. Now I have this shell_script: #!/bin/bash set timeout 20 ssh root@192. I have tried with and without the /www. The command works without any problems in the HA I have the following custom switch set up: # "Template Switch" integration (for creating custom switches): switch: # GUDE EPC 8211 port 06: - platform: template switches: gude_epc_8211_port06: turn_on: action: shell_command. The command is as follows: > curl -i -d '{"method":"setPlayContent","id":47,"params":[{"output Hey there, in this thread: shell_command running into timeout i mentioned my issue with the shell_command running into timeout after 60 seconds and terminating the running process. apivaral (Alejandro Pivaral) July 4, 2021, 12:12am 1. docker exec addon_a0d7b954_nut upscmd -u nutuser -p nutpassword ups@localhost beeper. fribse (Kenneths Teknik) October 17, 2022, 3:26pm 16. I’m Thanks tom, should have searched the docs first! Just an observation on the shell command though, I was initially getting a 127 return code but after removing the ‘sudo’ command it all worked fine. kngrtnmmsiiiaxibbdnpgyuvualsocowkofazsfdntytfzlckpsn