Get package name android adb. adb shell ps | grep android.
Get package name android adb This article explains and provides a way to extract and determine an Android Package (APK) 'package name' and 'launchable activity' which can then be used in StageNow In the Android world, a Package Name is a crucial piece of information we use in either manual or automated testing. getRunningTasks. RECEIVE -e data "Data" But ok i got it, please check this method of package manager getPackageArchiveInfo(archiveFilePath, flags); ,here you can Retrieve overall information about an application package defined in a package archive file. . List<ApplicationInfo> packages = pm adb root adb shell pm list packages pm uninstall com. Is there a way to know activity names from the apk file? I can get the apk file name from the package my using I tried all of the above answers, but was only getting icons from system apps, issue faced in Android 11 (API level 30) or higher, a little digging led me to this docs page which said that you need to add the following permission in your AndroidManifest file: <uses-permission android:name="android. And also this blog Android: Killing a running process with processid(pid) and package name. QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES" It's called application ID: Every Android app has a unique application ID that looks like a Java package name, such as com. adb shell ps | grep PACKAGE. I was hoping there is a way to do that so that I don't have to manually look and copy over from all the different I am trying to receive push notifications on my device, using the below adb shell command: adb shell am broadcast -c com. minecraftpe I want to get version to String. They all return 10464. When you give the <COMP_SPEC> parameter, you get more information on the specific component, including the I try to get the APK file of installed app on my Android phone, I followed this answer which says no need for root access. content. pm is that correct? – CMPSoares. To get an app's package (and activity name) you can use adb command. Using the ‘grep’ commands, I got I'm trying to get the package name of an android app using adb commands. If you're unfamiliar with ADB commands, we recommend SideQuest which provides a user interface for running these commands. Bundle; import android If you have more devices attached to your machine, you will not be able to use this command by default. Skip to main Previously the command for listing installed packages used to be pm list packages. Android: update system app. With the package visibility changes introduced in Android 11, it is now necessary to add a queries element in your application's manifest file as below before you can query one of the PackageManager. Find your CPU Architecture by adb shell getprop ro. product. c2dm. Pre-requisites. How could the lib get my project's package name through the project's context? – I'm implementing a Python script to get some app names and their version numbers from settings>apps section in an android device. Determine the package name of the app, e. getPackageName() which gets the lib's package name not my project's package name. So, I am doing adb shell which gets me to the android shell. GET_SIGNATURES Step 2: You will get all the package names. Ignore that. You can provide a <COMP_SPEC> parameter, adb shell dumpsys activity <COMP_SPEC>. pop -v 500 to start the Es explorer. Here's a cleaner way using the PackageManager. A list of their package names I can retrieve using adb shell pm list -3, but as those are package names only, recognizing apps is a guess-work. 2) you can even use the system app manager to confirm the package name once you found and selected the app via the common name. With access to the app source code, the package name can be found in the AndroidManifest. To what do the Android 'adb shell dumpsys package This is package of MCPE (Minecraft Pocket Edition) com. action. I see two hashes: sign Skip to main How to find out activity names in a package? android. But if you indeed want to know all the receivers system-wide receiving some specific intent - since Android 7. you care only about receivers in some specific package you know name of) then just use dumpsys package my. So let’s explore the five ways to retrieve the package name of an Android Explains how to list the package names and location of all the installed, system 3rd-party, enabled, disabled apps on Android through an ADB shell. If you found this tip useful, do share it adb shell run-as <package-name> "cp databases/<db_name>. Improve this answer. How to get Application name from package name in android? 0. name and so on – JaMaBing. role. It was, so I had to look elsewhere for why my adb shell ps returns a list of all running processes on the android device, grep apps searches for any row with contains "apps", as you can see above they are all com. I know Facebook app package name is com. Skip this step if you already know the package name. I have to try to get the current activity from an android app, but it is not possible. The proper way is to filter by UID, since a UID is permanently bound to a package name (it won't change on crashes, upgrades, reboots, etc. apk files copied off, then Check documentation with adb shell dumpsys activity -h. adb shell monkey -p 'your package name' -v 500 For example, adb shell monkey -p com. x and above. Typically this means only the process running the caller's packages/application and any I want to get uid of whatsapp in android, and I know Whatsapp's package name. But when i just connect my device and trying to get package and activity names, for that i am getting appPackage as com. name, ro. android -a com. package | grep versionName But I don't know how can I use it for more that one device?! For example, in an android program, I can do it like this: android. See my answer below to always get the correct java package name. calendar | grep versionName but how to do it in code? While this doesn't strictly answer the question to do this programmatically, it's also possible to set the vendor package through adb without needing it to be signed with the same key. The Device Monitor shows the application name but in Android Studio's logcat panel, the package name is always a question mark. How can I do this? Thank you. package. katana, I see it with com adb shell ping is just executing /system/bin/ping in a shell. Exactly what I wanted. First part of the output is package name: com. NameNotFoundException */ public String getNameFromResolveInfo(ResolveInfo ri) throws NameNotFoundException I want to access an app's icon through adb. release – I'm trying to get activity name for current focused app on the device by running this command: adb shell "dumpsys window windows | grep -E 'mCurrentFocusApp|mFocusedApp'" It works on older phone with Android 6. minecraftpe>; String versionName = mypackage. This ID uniquely identifies your app on the device and in Google Play Store. adb shell pm list packages | grep 'android' You’ll have all apps with ‘android’ in their package names. I'm trying to make buttons to open these applications. First of all, I tried run adb shell pm list packages to see all packages. To search for a particular package use. Android install apk programmatically. device. e. There are 2 simple ways to reach that information easily. 1) Run and launch database app with I have a service in an application, and I can reach this service from different applications. I've tried the command Just use these following two lines, so you can launch any installed application whose package name is known: Intent launchIntent = getPackageManager(). and set flag GET_ACTIVITIES. Get app name from package name in android. I've discovered this part: adb shell "dumpsys window windows | grep -E 'mCurrentFocus'", which gives me this: As far as I can understand, the package name is the one circled with red. You should use <queries> tag instead: ADB is a really powerful tool for android automation and with the use of adb and aapt we can very easily find out the package name and activity name to use to start with our appium automation. pm. com. Follow I am trying to get running activity name (Foreground activity name) from package name as you all know that we can get currently running activity name via this line mActivityManager. Follow these steps: Identify the APK path using the package name: adb shell pm list packages -f com. To find the UID of your package name: adb shell dumpsys package <PACKAGE> | grep userId It will print something like: userId=10412 I am trying to get the PID of the process INSIDE adb shell. Or you can run the app the package name of which you want to know and use ADB commands to get the package name of runned app's activity. Since you are trying to get logcat output after the app has crashed, the ps command According to the Package visibility filtering changes in Android 11, you need to add this permission to your manifest to be able to list installed apps: <uses-permission android:name="android. adb shell pm list packages). app. versionName; I have a library in my project and I pass the context from my project to the lib. – In Android 4. myapp; Use the AAPT tool to dump the badging The details in adb devices -l consist of the following three properties: ro. I tried . I am able to get the bundle name but would like to figure out a way to get the "human friendly readable name" I can get the bundle names via. Follow answered Sep 18, 2023 at 17:45. So i install them to get the . But as of Android nougat, the command has been deprecated. I'm wondering is it possible to use ADB to get the list of all packages installed on device with information about last updates of each package. – Would like to know how can I get the adb logcat of ONLY certain app, and all its errors and messages associated. This tool allows you to extract application labels directly from the APK file. kts file. googlequicksearchbox appActivity as com. Your answer can be modified by gradle thus producing “inaccurate” package names (I. acore | sed 's/\s\s*/ /g' | cut -d ' ' -f 2 OR. I was able to get the name of the packages through pm command and also through the /data/app directory. package manager's getApplicationInfo() activity manager's getAllRunningProcess() android. dialer and activity name is . apk which gives me the android:versionCode that is set in the AndroidManifest file of that apk? Basically, how do I get the version code of the apk using adb? For Version Name : adb shell dumpsys package my. If only the compiled . LAUNCHER 1 Where com. adb shell pm list packages will give you a list of all installed package names. Look through the list If you just want to know package name, run adb logcat, launch the activity you want, you will get a hint on the package name. intent. Install APK programmatically adb shell dumpsys package packagename and check grantedPermissions section at the bottom of the output. NAME. 4. But at the time of the application Uninstall you can only get the package name as on Un installation all other information gets removed by the system. I am writing a command line tool to get app name by package name, command AAPT can parse app name from apk, adb shell aapt dump badging /data/app/com. abi; Depending on whether it’s ARM-based or x86-based, download the corresponding aapt binary from here: you can download some package manager app, it can shows the package names of apps that installed in your device. Get package name of another app by app name. model and ro. queryIntentActivities(intent:flags:) etc methods for the home (a. ShishiSonsonCode ShishiSonsonCode. permission. package | grep versionName For Version Code : adb shell dumpsys package my. applicationId property in your module's build. In this tutorial, we'll see how to find out Android app package name or Android app ID using 3 different app package name checker methods. g. Also, there are suggestions and Using ADB if the app is already installed If the app is already installed on your Fire TV or other Android device, you can run a shell command that lists all the apps, with their package names, that are installed on your device. process. } /** * Helper method to get an applications name! * * @param ri * @return * @throws android. The lib invokes context. version. Also there is no need to run cmd package in a separate adb shell session - it could be run in the same shell as am start. 2# adb shell "dumpsys package | grep -A1 'userId=10102'" userId=10102 pkg=Package{46171ce The names of Android apps and APK packages differ a lot. build. Note that ADB shell ends lines with \r\n, which depending on your platform might or might not make it more difficult to access the exact value (e. for that I have knew that there is a method by adb command; adb shell am start -a android. looks like windows, so type D:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools>adb shell then you can perform his comments run-as app. myapp. it’ll say debug, release, or whatever build flavor you have set up) – Now that we can Examining sqlite3 Databases from a Remote Shell, is it possible to examine SharedPreferences from adb shell? Since it would be much more convenient to examine and manipulate To identify the package name, tether your headset to a computer, where you will run an Android Device Bridge (ADB) command. APPS. Is there any way to get the package name, other than just contacting the developers Is there any ADB command to get the package name of 'default messaging app' ? FYI adb shell cmd role get-role-holders android. chrome is the package name of the app you want to open. adb shell monkey -p com. This is an example: adb devices (you will get attached device IDs) ANDROID_SERIAL=DEVICE_ID adb shell getprop ro. xxxx. xml. How can I get the "full" UID? The table of all intent-filters can be sorted by Action, Category, Data fields(ie scheme or mimetype), package name or intent-filter type so you can find all Activites on your device that respond to various Actions or Categories. there is a command line to get package name:- adb shell pm list packages But how to get the list of all applications on the device. 0 You can filter adb logcat output by process ID by using the --pid=<pid> option. or GAPPS, awk extracts the 9th column which in this case is the package name. – Jon Goodwin. Android package management is done by the pm command on the ADB shell. A simpler way to is to Debug any app, if ADB integration is disabled, Android Studio will prompt you to enable. Stack Overflow. cpu. package Easiest way for me is using Android Device Monitor to get the database file and SQLite DataBase Browser to view the file while still using Android Studio to program android. Discover step-by-step solutions to display user-installed app labels effortlessly. The naming rules are: It must have at least two Yes @droida into the package/folder android. thebestapp Since the package names of all Google apps do not have ‘google’ in them, you should also try the above command by adding ‘android’ as a filter. Objective: List all the installed packages on an Android phone through an ADB shell. example. I've tried before with adb logcat -c; adb logcat | grep com. How can I do this? My code to get package name: List<PackageInfo> packages = getPackageManager(). My main activity starts with the following: package com. I would like to know what exactly means the hashes from the field PackageSignatures when you obtain it with adb shell dumpsys package com. I also want to get the package names of only a select number of apps that I choose that I have on my phone. How can I do that? I mean, is there any path in the mobile where the icons are stored. db ~/Downloads/ This allows exploration of file structure of Android in the emulator. a. getDefaultSmsPackage(context);". facebook. sms. gradle. Now, if I were to get the PID using a regular shell I would use . getLaunchIntentForPackage("com. How to find out activity names in a package? android. samsung. awesomeapps. adb shell ps | grep android. x (tried with 4. Is it possible to get any information about the package or the application from the apk file without installing it in the Android environment? Skip to main content. Background (if somebody's curious): I want to be able to quickly obtain a list of user-apps from any of my devices, without having to revert to acrobatics. I needed to read the answer twice to comprehend what it's actually saying, therefore I I don't like nitpicking much but it is not starting the default Activity, without knowing its name - it's just finding the default Activity first, then using it. Enter the command: adb shell "cmd package list packages -U | grep UID" adb shell "pm list packages -U | grep UID" # alternative command IF above cmds don't work you can try these below giving you the exact name adb shell "cmd package list packages uid UID" adb shell "pm list packages uid UID" # alternative command With above command you can get package name follows with current activity of the running app Package name/ App activity. How to show list of only hidden packages adb android? 7. defaultConfig. Step 3: Add your desired package name in the below command. 2. Install ADB; Connect your device and ensure adb devices shows up your phone; Finding an application label using package name Setting up aapt binary on your Android. getInstalledPackages(0); PackageInfo mypackage = <com. ADB shell. But how does one get the package name before KitKat version? If you just need to confirm that some specific receiver was properly registered (i. DialtactsActivity. That will list all the apps you’ve personally I want to know how to get the package name when I open an app, connect using adb, you can launch adb shell and execute pm list packages -f, which shows the package name for each installed apk. name like @pskink suggested in the comments. – I'd like to know if there's ADB/shell command (from the phone), or any system/preinstalled app. someapp. shell@android:/ $ run-as app. resolveActivity(intent:flags:), PackageManager. Explains how to list the package names and location of all the installed, system 3rd-party, enabled, disabled apps on Package Names. instead of Nexus 7 you might get Nexus 7\r). Packagename of Installed apps. 0. calculator2. You can then use dumpsys | grep -A18 "Package \[my. This gives me a huge list of processes. but maybe you don't have permission use chmod. abc"); startActivity( launchIntent ); If you don't know the package name of application that you wanted to launch I know that many people already sent questions similar to this. You can run the same command. ). I was using the shell in the device (starting a session with adb shell) and was getting different results from using adb commands from the host command line (eg. Copy the one you want to start using ADB. Launch the app } } You can say the app's package is com. MAIN -n com. Intent; import android. Your application ID is defined by the android. getPackageInfo( "com. simply use this command to get package name: aapt dump badging {apk-file. HERE Overview Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a versatile command-line tool that lets you communicate with a device. I've found somewhere the following code: TL;DR. 1. test", PackageManager. Quoting the documentation: "Note that, though this API allows us to request to kill any process based on its PID, the kernel will still impose standard restrictions on which PIDs you are actually able to kill. There's no telnet/curl/wget/ utilities on stock Android, but if you copy a version of busybox onto your phone, you should be able to do "adb shell busybox wget <url>" to generate HTTP get requests. And I need a single entry (which I can further supply to another command), so I want to filter this results with a package name. Skip to main content. chrome -c android. Second Part of output (which is You cannot kill a third-party process via PID using killProcess(). estrongs. inbox-1/base. mojang. db /sdcard/ && exit" adb pull /sdcard/<db_name>. I know that a bunch of apps reveal both once you could pin the app in it. 13 Dec 2014 Mohamed Ibrahim. SMS. There are times when we need to know the package name of an app or APK. adb shell dumpsys package packagename and get the APK path from codePath element of its output. GEL Look at this Question Android process killer and android task kill. For Android 7. apk, He doesn't want to Is there an adb command to run on a . cactus mitch. FitbitMobile, but the thing is, it forces a grep on EVERY line, and sometimes there's a crash that involves multiline where needed information gets omitted. PackageManager. How to get app name by package name in android? A more direct method to retrieve the application name is by utilizing the AAPT (Android Asset Packaging Tool). QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES"/> but Google doesn't recommend to use this way. myapp for a given installed app. google. Can I get package name of dialer app on the device, I need it . As a bonus the command will be more OS agnostic (currently it requires some unix shell to process the Is there an easy way to get the version name of an application on Android devices using adb shell? I've already find this command from here: adb shell dumpsys package my. os. However, this is a little different. The new command to do the same is cmd After the Android KitKat version, we can find out the default sms package name by "Telephony. category. I've found instructions for creating the links to launch the Market but this assumes that you are the developer of the app in question and know the exact package name. Android is based on I have to launch an application on android emulator using command line. package\]" to grab the package information such as version identifiers etc. The adb command facilitates a variety of device actions, such as installing and debugging apps, and it provides access to a Unix shell that you can use to run a variety of commands on a device. And for your question How to get Process Name from pid I am trying to figure out a way to get a list of apps on an android connected device. adb shell ps name:my_app_package I want to do some stuff in my own android application where I need to check some system applications versions before. 160 1 1 adb shell pm list packages From the list of packages that displayed with above command, Once i know my package name(say xyz package) what shell command i have to use to list all the activities under that package(xyz package). Refer to Android Debug Bridge (adb) User Guide for more To find the needed package name, try with a filter to output only packages with the company name in: for example: adb shell pm list packages |grep honeywell or list only packages filtered by the assumed application name or part of it: adb shell pm list packages |grep iqimage or list only 3rd party applications: adb shell pm list packages -3 I'm creating a mobile website that will include a page from which people can download relevant apps that we recommend. Hot Network Questions C++ code reading from a text file, storing value in int, Does anyone know the class name and package name for any of these applications: youtube facebook amazon mp3 google talk camera maps text message dialer/phone launcher android market messaging contacts Social Networking Advanced Task Killer. To get the process ID for your app, you can run adb shell ps | FINDSTR <app name> (for Windows) or adb shell ps | grep <app name> (for *nix and OSX) while the app is still running. I needed to confirm that the serial number of the device in the shell session was the same as the serial number from adb devices. When trying to obtain the UID programmatically, though, I get 10464 (the decimal representation of a464), and without the u0 prefix. But I don't need all packages in this list, I need to list more specific apps and their versions. name now, you can access to files of your project. adb shell "dumpsys package | grep -A1 'userId=UID'" Replace UID with the ID you're looking for, such as 10102. Firstly, you should verify your device connection with “adb devices” Learn how to retrieve app names via ADB Shell on Android devices. First, connect to your device via ADB, then run the command adb shell pm list packages -3 -f. This will retrieve the wrong package name. myUid() (following suggestions in this post on SO. And when applications are tried to bind this service I want to know which application is trying to bind my service in onBind function, but I can't get the package name or UID of this application in onBind function. android. k. However using "adb shell" from the PC has root permissions. apps. Also tried following command but it didn't help. adb shell pm list packages -3 returns package names like: com. 2. Process. Package Names of All Google Apps on Android. adb shell pm list packages. I know that we can get Package and Activity names by using "adb shell dumpsys window windows" and get values from mFocusedApp. Using the Google Play Store. The Google Play Store is a one-stop shop for all Android gets a list of 3rd party apps (apps you have installed, not system apps) and then you can use the package from the command above in aapt to get information on the package - example: So, below is a script (for a Linux client) to get just Here are 2 simple ways to find your apps package and activity name: 1. If you only know the package name of the app you want to launch but not the name of it's main activity, use this command. bootintervals; import android. apk file is available, mobile testers can use the Android Asset Packaging Tool Hi everyone! 👋 This article will help you to find package and activity name of an android application. good luck. I fixed the problem by Checking Tools / Android / Enable ADB Integration and then restarting adb. acore | awk '{ print $2 }' $ adb shell pm dump PACKAGE_NAME | grep -A 1 'filter' | head -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 12 There's probably a smarter way but I ain't no *NIX guru. fitbit. 0 but on Pixel XL running Android 10 its returns nothing. To list all permissions (requested but not granted + requested and granted): Notice the APK of a package. The grep command does not work on my windows machine. Signature[] sigs = pkm. (System & 3rd party apps) How to do it in Android Studio? In ADB I can dump it by: adb shell dumpsys package com. Example: bash-4. By using logcat <your package name>:<log level> the answer suggests that it's possible to use the package name as valid filter. How to get app name by package name in android? 0. final PackageManager pm = getPackageManager(); //get a list of installed apps. apk} | grep package | awk '{print $2 adb shell ps. Unable To get Activity name from adb command Android 10. Using ADB to Get Current Focus of the Screen. So if there were some ADB command to retrieve the common name for a given Everyone seems to point to filtering by PID as the solution. launcher. chrome In my case, i have a phone that is in permanent 'Safe mode' so only apps under /system/app/ have a chance of running. To list all For UnRooted devices following works for me: Set up adb in a PC, connect the device to the PC, launch a shell on the PC and enter:. You need to provide ANDROID_SERIAL environment variable which identifies your device ID. alexander. Android: How to get installer file name programmatically? 7. Share. litgfqfifwbdgqkcfuxoplqglsomhqfavpqrgbarpvnrlaeayor