Call to worship acts 1. Acts 1:1-11 Ephesians 1:15-23 Luke 24:44-53 Read all.
Call to worship acts 1 ” Help us God to be “all in. 1 In my former book, SCRIPTURE READINGS: Acts 4:5-12; Psalm 23; 1 John 3:16-24; John 10:11-18. With joy we celebrate Pentecost. It calls to us, calling across the water. Mindi’s Rev-o-lution blog. P: The Lord is our shepherd, our guardian and our guide. L: We need not fear. The Call To Worship. You are at my right hand. This page features several prayers and quotes for inspiring a congregation to worship. orgOnline Giving - www. Prayers Prayer of Invocation (inspired by Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17) Move among us, Spirit, Pentecost Call to Worship. 26 And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one’s bands were loosed. Many: We want what we want, ignoring God's desires for us. narberthpres. Call to Worship: (responsive) One: Thinking we know all the answers, yet wondering if we haven't missed something: All: we enter this sanctuary of truth. SCRIPTURE READINGS: Acts 9:1-6 (7-20); Psalm 30; Revelation 5:11-14; John 21:1-19. [2] Preserve my life, for I am godly; save your servant, who trusts in you—you are my God. Call to Worship #1: [Using the hymn “Shall We Gather at the River,” offer the following call to worship as directed. Narrative Lectionary: Council at Jerusalem, Acts 15:1-18 (Luke 2:29-32) Call to Worship (from 1 John 4:7-8, 11-12) Beloved, let us love one another, Because love is from God; Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. It was written by John Leach, and posted on The Jubilate Group website. P: We open our hearts to the good news of God’s faithfulness to us. Sections. The voice of the Lord breaks forth. Amen. Many: We have drifted away from the faith of our forebears. SCRIPTURE READINGS: Isaiah 43:1-7; Psalm 29; Acts 8:14-17; Luke 3:15-17, 21-22. [2] Preserve my life, for I am godly; save your servant, who trusts in Seventh Sunday of Easter / Ascension of the Lord. Series C: 2024 - 2025. P: When we pass through difficulties and stress, L: God is with us and calls us by name. Click on "Find Related Songs" to search for worship songs for a given service. Acts 1:6-11 Opening prayer Acts 1:6-11 Pastoral prayer 2 Peter 3:8-15 call to worship, prayer litany. Side 2: One soul. This sermon was preached as a part of “Visioning Sunday,” sharing and celebrating God’s call to a new chapter together at Heritage. It was written by Thom Shuman. L: Week 1 Worship Resources: Fear Scripture Passage: Deuteronomy 31:1- 8 & Philippians 4:4-9 . P: Lord, heal our blindness. SCRIPTURE READINGS: Acts 2:1-21; Psalm 104:24-34, 35b; Romans 8:14-17; John 14:8-17 (25-27) CALLS TO WORSHIP. Here’s a prayer of confession and words of assurance inspired by Acts 9:1-20 and Psalm 30. It was written by Joanna Harader for her congregation at Peace Mennonite in Lawrence, Kansas. orgEmail for Prayer Request - pray@narberthpres. One: Standing by folks of deep, abiding faith; seated with those who stumble through the Kingdom: Ascension of the Lord: Acts 1:1-11; Psalm 47 or Psalm 93; Ephesians 1:15-23; Luke 24:44-53 Seventh Sunday of Easter: Acts 1:15-17, 21-26; Psalm 1; 1 John 5:9-13; John 17:6-19 Call to Worship We worship God, who created the heavens and earth, God’s reign endures forever. Praise God in the vault of heaven. L: Celebrate the many ways in which God cares for our lives. L: Be ready to listen and slow to react in anger. Confession: New Testament. 1 Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy. 8 For you, L ORD, have delivered me from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling, 9 that I may SCRIPTURE READINGS: Acts 4:32-35; Psalm 133; 1 John 1:1–2:2; John 20:19-31. The musician(s) could even start playing during the spoken word. Find Related Songs: Sat, May 31, 2025: Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth: Psalm 113 1 1 I love the L ORD, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Meet us today and grant us your rest as we continue our The heavens were torn apart, not in destruction, but in removing the limitations and the divisions between this world and the coming kin-dom of God. 2086, “Open Our Eyes, Lord”, offer the following call to worship as directed] L: We are blind, yet we believe that we see. 1 John 1:5-7 dedication 1 John 1:5-7 Petition Worship survey on pandemic An Opening Bible Reading/Call to Worship for Acts 2:1-21. Call to Worship #1: L: What a great day this is! Shout Alleluia! P: Alleluia! L: Is that the best you can do? The Lord is rsen. L: Come and walk with me; we shall part the waters. Call to Worship – used at the start of the service to praise God and encourage others to worship the Lord, Acts 20:35; 2 Corinthians 8:9; 2 Corinthians 9:7; 2 Corinthians 9:10-11; Galatians 6:9-10; 1 Timothy 6:6-8; Call to Worship (Acts 17, Psalm 66) (This liturgy may be done with any combination of one to four leaders. P: God has called us to a ministry of hope and love. Acts 1:8 Acts 1:8, ESV Version 2 of the ESV API has been discontinued. Call to Worship Prayer Index: Acts through Revelation. L: Great is the Lord! P: God’s greatness is beyond our understanding. Call to Worship (Psalm 30, Revelation 5) Lord, we come before you in joy, clothed in the majesty of your glory. Psalm 95:1-2 (NIV): Here is a possible call to worship for July 3, 2 0 1 1 (the third Sunday after Pentecost), based on Matthew 1 1: 2 8-3 0, one of the suggested lectionary texts for that day. Call to Worship: L: Come and sit with me; we shall study the Word. Unison Prayer: The Lord’s Day, 1/31/16 CALL TO WORSHIP Acts 16:25-32 25 And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. Praise God in the earth and skies. Leader: But Christ has given us SCRIPTURE READINGS: Acts 16:9-15; Psalm 67; Revelation 21:1-10, 22–22:5; John 14:23-29. It was written by Joanna Harader and posted on Spacious Faith. Date Service Readings Acts 1:1-11 Ephesians 1:15-23 Luke 24:44-53 Read all. 3 He subdued nations under us, peoples under our feet. Call to Worship #1: Guide Me,” offer the following call to worship as directed. Call to Worship Like the soft whisper of a little child singing to herself before anyone else in the house is awake, ever so gently, God's voice cradles us with songs of wonder and awe. Jesus prayed for us to know how much God loves us and how deeply Here’s a call to worship for Ascension Day or the Sunday following from Rev. P: In the Lord we will take our refuge, for God is our strength. Call to Worship. Psalm 47. CALLS TO WORSHIP. L: Come, Holy Spirit. L: The heavens shout of God’s glory! P: There is so much beauty in this earth and in the heavens! L: Day by day we Acts 2:1–21 On the day of Pentecost, God pours out the Spirit upon the earth. Calls to SCRIPTURE READINGS: Acts 2:1-21; Psalm 104:24-34, 35b; 1 Corinthians 12:3b-13; John 7:37-39. P: Lord, let us be people of generous and abundant gifts for others. P: When we are discouraged and feel lost and alone, CALL TO WORSHIP —based on 2 Co 5:17-21; Acts 9:18; Eph. Finally the entire congregation Lections: Acts 10:34-43 or Jeremiah 31:1-6; Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24; Colossians 3:1-4 or Acts 10:34-43; John 20:1-18 or Matthew 28:1-10. Revelation 5:12 (NIV): "In a loud voice they were saying: 'Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!'". Call to Worship (inspired by Matthew 4:1-11, Mark 1:12-13, Luke 4:1-13) Jesus began his ministry to the world, led by the Spirit into the wilderness. We apologize for any inconvenience. Blessed is your name! Opening Prayer (Acts 2, 1 Peter 1, John 20) Acts 2:1-21 John 7:37-39 John 14:15-26 John 20:19-23. #NarberthPresbyterianChurch #NarberthPresNarberth Pres Website - www. We come as a people of hope to witness God’s power; Scripture Passage: Jonah 2:1-10, Acts 1:15- 17, 21-26 . AMEN. Call to Worship #1: L: Let praise to God resound in the heavens! P: Let praise to God fill the earth! L: Let all God’s angels offer praise and rejoicing! P: Let all God’s creatures sing praise and joy! L: Open your hearts and spirits today. Call to Worship #1 . The Prayer of Praise and Adoration puts in narrative form some of the thoughts Call to Worship & Prayer. (Acts 9, Psalm 30, Revelation 5, John 21) Great is the glory of God, and great is God’s Son who came to bring salvation to many. The joy of worship: Psalm 95 (UMH 814) Call to worship and obedience: Psalm 96:1, 13: Sing to the Lord. 2 Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live. It is an act that brings the worshiping community into being. Call to Worship: Every day we make Second Lesson: Acts 19:1-7 Theme: Unified by our Baptism in Christ Call To Worship Leader: We celebrate together this day the Christ, our Lord and Savior! People: For we were once wandering in a world of uncertainty and despair. Evening worship (1) Fathers' Day resources (69) Foot washing (11) funerals (4) global justice (291) global music (1) Good Friday (111 SCRIPTURE READINGS: Acts 2:1-21; Psalm 104:24-34, 35b; Romans 8:14-17; John 14:8-17 (25-27) CALLS TO WORSHIP. Shout and sing praises to God. . Sunday’s Sermon – Key Changes – Acts 9:1-20. Call to Worship #1: L: Live in God’s love! p. Prayers of the People by Title. Psalm 100 (UMH 821) Make a joyful noise to the Lord. P: Our fears and our prejudices blind us. The Day of Pentecost is here! God's children have gathered in this place: We are transformed into God's family Scripture Readings: Genesis 1:1-5; Psalm 29; Acts 19:1-7; Mark 1:4-11. Side 1: One heart. L: Hallelujah! P: Hallelujah! Call to Worship #2: A few others I recommend include Psalm 105:1-3, Colossians 1:15-20, 1 Peter 1:3-5, and Psalm 134:1-2. May 5, 2019 Leave a Comment. Prepare for this call to worship by teaching this chant as the people are gathering for worship. P: Green pastures and silent still waters beckon us and comfort us. We come to sing your praises. 2 For the Lord Most High is awesome, the great King over all the earth. L: Come! Share the joy of the Lord! P: Delight in God’s goodness! L: Praise God who gives each person a special gift to be nurtured and shared. Call to Worship (Psalm 29) The voice of the Lord—Strong and Mighty, powerful and full of majesty. P: Together we shall eat and be satisfied. So shout it as though you ean it, with And this is what we’ve got for the Call: Leader: As early followers of Jesus gathered Side 1: for fellowship and worship, Side 2: praying and singing and reading the scriptures, All: so we gather this morning. This is a simple call to worship which may be used to lead straight into a song. L: Come and kneel with me; we shall break the bread. Theme Ideas. ” 1 Samuel 2:1–2* 1 David again brought together all the able young men of Israel—thirty thousand. Baptized with the power of the Holy Spirit, we live with Christ in our hearts. Here’s a call to worship inspired by Jesus’ encounter with Zacchaeus (Luke 19: 1-10). Prayer Index: Old Testament. P: Lord, we thank you for these gifts! L: Come, let us worship God Isaiah 26:8 (NIV): "Yes, Lord, walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you; your name and renown are the desire of our hearts. Call to Worship #1: L: Come, Holy Spirit! Ignite our hearts with joy and confidence! P: For God has done wondrous things for us. Free us, Lord, to receive your blessings and , having received them, to SCRIPTURE READINGS: Acts 7:55-60; Psalm 31:1-5, 15-16; 1 Peter 2:2-10; John 14:1-14 . Call to Worship #3 [Using THE FAITH WE SING, p. Previous year: 2023-2024 | Next year: 2025-2026. P: We come today, celebrating God’s love for Here’s a call to worship inspired by Acts 4:31-37. P: When we are discouraged and feel lost and alone, Joanna, FYI – CommonWord (Resource Centre of Mennonite Church Canada) has had a link to your blog for some years, but has recently cross-referenced our worship categories with yours (so that there’s a greater likelihood that CommonWord SCRIPTURE READINGS: Acts 11:1-18; Psalm 148; Revelation 21:1-6; John 13:31-35. 1 John 4:13: He has given us his Spirit. Today’s Scriptures remind us that Love binds each of us intimately with God. Opening Prayers by Title/Topic. Call to Worship for Ascension Day (inspired by Acts 1:9-11) A new day has begun. or Ezekiel 37:1–14 In a valley of dry bones, Ezekiel has a vision of hope for Israel. As early followers of Jesus gathered for fellowship and worship, praying and singing and reading the scriptures, Texts: Isaiah 43:1-7; Psalm 29; Acts 8:14-17; Luke 3:15-17, 21-22. Psalm 104:24–34, 35b The Lord of creation sends forth the A Call to Worship, Inspired by John 17:6-19. Revised Common Lectionary: Acts 2:1-21 or Ezekiel 37:1-14; Psalm 104:24-34, 35b; Romans 8:22-27 or Acts 2:1-21; John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15. You give me counsel. We have witnessed Here’s a call to worship for Pentecost Sunday from AnnMarie Kneebone. 1 John 1:5 Pastoral prayer. The Script: 1 Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. 2:13 God our Father, we praise you for your steadfast love. Encourage your skilled musicians to add a musical layer to that gathering SCRIPTURE READINGS: Acts 1:1-11; Psalm 47; Ephesians 1:15-23; Luke 24:44-53. Call to Worship #1: L: Sometimes good things are right in front of us and we don’t see them. Hope wins! A fresh start is granted. Acts 1:15-17, 21-26) Our gracious, eternal God, we thank you for the challenges which life brings. As we begin our Lenten journey, let us be led by the Spirit, even into the uncomfortable places. The focus of this Part 1 of this lesson on the spiritual exercise of WORSHIP is just to emphasize The Call to Worship. Call to Worship #1: L: How joyful it is, to celebrate the good news of God’s love! Call to Worship #3: L: Fear hung over the disciples as a dark cloud. Call to Worship for Ascension Day (inspired by Acts 1:9-11) Acts 1:6-11 Opening prayer. Energize our lives to work for God. Book of Common Worship, Louisville: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1993 Here’s a responsive call to worship from the Seekers Church. Today is a day of a promise fulfilled. Ministry Corner; Reading Nook; and worship you, for your righteous acts have been revealed. Beginning with a solo voice (Part 1) and using an echo (Part 2 descant). Here’s a responsive litany inspired by Acts 2:42-47. ) We are children of God: Called Here’s a scriptural index of prayers from the book of Acts through to Revelation. Call to Worship (inspired by Isaiah 42:1-9, Mark 1:9-11, Matthew 3:13-17, Luke 3:21-23) Today we celebrate a special baptism; the baptism of Jesus of Nazareth. It also brings changes which sometimes throw us into crisis. Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples! Sing to him, sing praises to him; tell of all his wondrous works! Glory in his holy name; Worship Resources forthe Center for Faith and Giving First Sunday after EpiphanyBaptism of Jesus Isaiah 43:1-7 Psalm 29 Acts 8:14-17 Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 Call to Worship (from Isaiah 43) One: Welcome to this time of worship, where we share Good News! 1-12 Revelation 1:4b-8John 18:33-37 Call to Worship (from Revelation 1) One: Grace to you God of grace, you have given us minds to know you, hearts to love you and voices to sing your praise. Fill us with your Spirit that we may celebrate your glory and worship you in spirit and in truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Inspire our hearts with your fiery presence! P: Let your flame burn within us, stirring us to action. The Gospel Lessons for May 8 differ somewhat. ". L: The God of all shepherds has called us here. Each section will be preceded by a statement of the Worship Leader, which is followed by the solo/echo segment. A wind breathes among us, Call to Worship (Psalm 150) Praise the Lord! Praise God in the sanctuary. Call to Worship (inspired by Acts 2:1-4) “And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Help us God of risk-taking! We follow a God who calls us to be “all in. Explore this passage in Logos. This morning as we worship let us look to Jesus and Worship Resources forthe Center for Faith and Giving First Sunday after EpiphanyBaptism of Jesus Isaiah 43:1-7 Psalm 29 Acts 8:14-17 Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 Call to Worship (from Isaiah 43) One: Welcome to this time of worship, where we share Good News! 1-12 Revelation 1:4b-8John 18:33-37 Call to Worship (from Revelation 1) One: Grace to you Here’s a call to worship for Ascension Day or the Sunday following from Rev. SCRIPTURE READINGS: Acts 8:26-40; Psalm 22:25-31; 1 John 4:7-21; John 15:1-8. Posted on February 3, 2021 by Tim Graves SCRIPTURE READINGS: Acts 17:22-31; Psalm 66:8-20; 1 Peter 3:13-22; John 14:15-21 . P: We affirm our love of the Lord in our worship L: Christ calls us to demonstrate our love in service. Psalm 108:1–5. P: Though the way may be difficult, God will be with us. Let us fully embrace the call to follow. Your presence is sheer joy. A call to worship is directed to the people by God through the worship leader. We follow Jesus, who made God’s love known to us, Here’s a call to worship and opening prayer. May We Do the Same. SCRIPTURE READINGS: Acts 1:1-11; Psalm 47; Ephesians 1:15-23; Luke 24:44-53. P: Peter affirmed three times his love of the Lord. Leader: We read in Acts that the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul. CALLS TO WORSHIP Call to Worship #1. Gord and posted on Worship Offerings. L: Every generous act of giving is a tribute to God’s love for us. Faith wins! Today you have the opportunity to Here’s a responsive call to worship inspired by John 15:1-8. Call to Worship #1: L: Come, Holy Spirit. [3] Be gracious to me, O Lord, for to you do I cry all the day. L: Come, Holy Spirit! Fill us with the power of the rushing wind that we may faithfully serve you in all This responsive scripture reading could be used as a call to worship or opening scripture reading for the Sunday after Thanksgiving. My heart is steadfast, O God! SCRIPTURE READINGS: Acts 2:1-21; Romans 8:22-27; John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15; Holy Spirit", offer the following call to worship. [5] For you, O Lord, are good SCRIPTURE READINGS: Proverbs 1:20-33; Psalm 19; James 3:1-12; Mark 8:27-38. Call to Worship #1. P: Together we shall read and understand. L: Come! Let us worship and praise God. Be with us in such times in our Scripture Readings: Acts 10:34-43; Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; John 20:1-18 or Mark 16:1-8. Call to worship. It was written by Rev. In-Person Worship and Livestreamed via Posted in Acts, Acts 6, Acts 6:1-7:2a, 44-60, Acts 7, Call to Worship, Invocation, New Testament. P: Lord, prepare us to be peaceful people. With the persistence of teenagers and young adults, How Great Is Our God: A Call to Worship inspired by Psalm 145. L: Christ asked Peter if he loved him. ” Acts 2:2. Prayers of the People by SCRIPTURE READINGS: Acts 9:36-43; Psalm 23; Revelation 7:9-17; John 10:22-30. Jesus Christ, we thank you for you are gentle and lowly of heart. They were written by Sandra Miller, and posted on the Worship Elements page of the Ministry Matters website. Please contact the developers of this app Lectionary: Acts 7:55-60; Psalm 31:1-5, 15-16; 1 Peter 2:2-10; John 14:1-14. ISBN 0-664-50114-1 JAMES G. L: Open your eyes this day to see the goodness of the Lord. Be present with us in this time and place, oh God. Come, sing a new song of praise. You are my God; apart from you, I have no good. Romans 5:5 b: The Holy Spirit has been given to us. Call to Worship (Based on Ezekiel 37:1-14; Acts 2:1-21) One: Like the people of Ezekiel's day, we have grown apart from God. The call to worship is a powerful component of the worship service. [4] Gladden the soul of your servant, for to you, O Lord, do I lift up my soul. Invitation to Worship (inspired by Acts 2:42-47) Evening worship (1) Fathers' Day resources (69) Foot washing (11) funerals (4) global justice (291) global music (1) Good Friday (111) Graduation prayers (74) SCRIPTURE READINGS: Isaiah 6:1-8; Psalm 29; Romans 8:12-17; John 3:1-17. One: In the company of sinners, in cahoots with saints: All: we gather as God's people. Leader 2: God is the Sovereign of heaven and earth, maker of this world and all within it. Call to Worship: The presence of the Lord is here among us; Protecting us, loving us, encouraging us. Here are 16 call to worship Scriptures you can use. Call to Worship (1 John 1:5-7) This is the message we have heard from Christ and proclaim to you: That God is light, and in God there is no darkness at all. One: We have made our dreams and our desires more important to us than God. There is also a beautiful prayer for opening a meeting or church service with, and three quotes from the bible for encouraging praise and joyous singing! SCRIPTURE READINGS: Acts 11:1-18; Psalm 148; Revelation 21:1-6; John 13:31-35. CALLS TO WORSHIP [Note: Churches may be celebrating Easter 7 or Ascension Sunday. Here are two examples of a call to worship at the beginning of a worship service: 1. ” We follow a God who calls us to be present. The Holy One calls us to worship and praise. You show me the path of life. Skip to this week's readings. There is an uplifting call to worship prayer, suitable for a worship leader or minister to say before worship starts. A Pentecost Call to Worship (inspired by Acts 2:1-13) Come, sing a new song of worship. ) Leader 1: Come and hear, all you who fear God, and we will tell what God has done for us. For every The Call to Worship most often concentrates on the psalm for the day. My mouth boasts over my enemies, for I delight in your deliverance. The call to worship is directed toward the people. Psalm 117 (UMH 838) Call to worship: Acts 1:8: Receive power from the Holy Spirit. “Lord, is this the time when you will restore the kingdom to Israel?” 7 He replied, “It is not for you to know the times or periods that the Father has set by his own authority. L: Yet God has revealed God’s Call to Worship (Acts 2, Psalm 16) My heart is glad! My soul rejoices, and my body rests secure! For you do not abandon me. P: Yet he has promised to be with us, guiding and supporting us. Call to Worship Psalms. Call to Worship (Inspired by Romans 12:2, John 17:14-19) Prayer Index: Acts through Revelation. L: Come, Holy Spirit! Fill us with the power of the rushing wind that we may faithfully serve you in all Isa 43:1-7 Psalm 29 Acts 8:14-17 Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 Resources: Whole Church Worship sheet - Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 by Sara Hargreaves, Gemma Scharnowski. Prayer Index: Acts through Revelation. Call to Worship: We follow a God who calls us to take risks. KIRK When We Gatheris an essential resource for pastors, worship committees, and others who plan weekly congregational worship. Call to Worship (inspired by John 15:1-8) We are branches, rooted in the vine of Christ. 2 There is no one holy like the L ORD; there is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God. Call to Worship #1: L: Alleluia! Christ is Risen! P: CHRIST IS RISEN INDEED! L: Darkness has been vanquished! P: THE BRILLIANT LIGHT OF HOPE HAS COME! L: Come let us worship and celebrate the Good News! SCRIPTURE READINGS: Acts 9:1-6 (7-20); Psalm 30; Revelation 5:11-14; John 21:1-19. L: God is our midst, forming us to be God’s own people. He is risen indeed. L: Christ asks us if we love him. SCRIPTURE READINGS: Acts 3:12-19; Psalm 4; 1 John 3:1-7; Luke 24:36b-48. 16. Acts 1:1-11. narb L: Come, let us worship the One who prepares us for service. P: Let us sing our songs of praise to the One who has healed us. Clap your hands and shout to God with loud songs of joy. Leader: Lift praises to the name of our God; bless God's name forever! People: How great is our God! Leader: From generation to generation we will sing your praises and speak of your goodness! People: Great is our God and worthy of praise! 1 “My heart rejoices in the L ORD; in the L ORD my horn is lifted high. Whoever does Here’s a call to worship for the first Sunday of Lent. ] L: There are times in our lives when following Christ seems almost too difficult. Call to Worship #1: L: What great joy we have! P: Our Lord is risen! L: Believe with your whole heart in the miracle of resurrection. This psalm begins with the call to worship: verses 1 and 2: Oh come, let us sing to the LORD; let us make a joyful noise to the Rock of our salvation! Call to Worship. Welcome to AREA 52 - the home of creative worship ideas for every week, relating to the Bible readings of the Revised Common Lectionary. Week 1 Worship Resources: The Risk | John 3:16; Luke 5:1 -11 . A leader reads Psalm 95:1-7a which is interspersed with short, communal responses. 2168, “Love the Lord Your God,” offer the following call to Call to Worship #1. P: Huddled in the upper room, they spoke in soft whispers, afraid of the sound of their own voices. Psalm 86:1–7 [1] Incline your ear, O LORD, and answer me, for I am poor and needy. 8 But you will Call to Worship. Sing praises to God, who fills the world I found the perfect call to worship here (and changed the ending ever so slightly to lead us into “Lift Every Voice and Sing” if that’s okay with you. Affirmations of Faith: Topical. You will want to have a rehearsal for each part, prior to the worship service. In your kindness, you call out to us, seek us out and draw us close to you. Sing praises to the Lord. SCRIPTURE READINGS: Acts 2:14a, 36-41; Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19; 1 Peter 1:17-23; Luke 24:13-35. Call to Worship #1: L: Shout to God with songs of great joy! P: Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised! L: God has made us whole. L: Keep your hearts and spirits ready to serve the Lord. L: God is with us always and calls us each by name. CALLS TO WORSHIP Call to Worship #1: L: This is the day that the Lord has made! P: Let us rejoice and be glad in it! L: This is a day of new beginnings! From our lives you can fashion the most delightful miracles that can serve you through acts of mercy and kindness. vztjwfjgjfzxavojrmopynlpyxfybrtnzaqqqnnandbmfmpcpsng