Awaiting reviewer invitation after minor revision example. The status has not changed to ‘Under review’.
Awaiting reviewer invitation after minor revision example This change has occurred After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. 20 awaiting AE After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. After revision and resubmision, my manuscript status was "Awaiting AE recommendation. However, the status has been "awaiting reviewer selection" for the last 3 weeks. "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" after "Acceptance with Minor Revision" Geophysics editors and the SEG publication staff have made strong efforts to reduce the review and publication turnaround times. 16 awaiting Editor-in-Chief decision, 22. Go to your SAGE Track journal’s login page After review you may get two options major or minor revision. Choose Minor Revision when ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) is a Gold Open Access journal that focuses on hardware, software, and system research spanning the fields of computer architecture and code optimization. Now the status is changed to "awaiting reviewer selection". Papers that do not meet these criteria will be rejected. Peer review is an integral part of the publishing process, learn more about the peer review process, including: what the reviewer is looking for, the possible outcomes of peer review, common reasons for rejection, what to do if your manuscript is rejected, and how to respond to the reviewer comments. Assigning reviewers. In case of major revisions, the paper is typically sent for a second round of peer review. Contents. Then I revised and resubmitted. When a revised paper is received: Minor changes will usually be assessed directly by the editor; If significant revisions were requested, the editor will usually return the manuscript to the original reviewers (unless they opted out of this) Rarely, the editor may invite comments from a new reviewer – the editor should explain why this I sent a paper to Journal of Cleaner Production and finally got minor revision after 6months. What does this mean? Was the manuscript reviewed? I think the status should have changed to something like Awaiting Reviewer Scores before Awaiting EIC Decision. Comments to Authors helps the authors improve their Editor of a journal asked for "Major Revision" for a submitted paper, after submitting revised paper it went for the review, after that the status shows "with Editor" for some time. At this point, reviewers should also be sent an email or letter letting them know the outcome of their review. g. If the paper was sent back for revision, the revision again. So I thought it passed the associate editor's Designing and building a large, complex software system is a tremendous challenge. If an AE would like to recommend a revised manuscript for another major revision, an AE should elaborate this recommendation in the message to the EiC or discuss it with the EiC directly. This change has occurred On the other hand, a minor revision could result in a major work or even a withdrawal of a paper! In general, I only see 'revision'. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) publishes papers on all May 3, 2016 · Awaiting Reviewer selection和Awaiting Reviewer Assignment都是指正在寻找或指定reviewers。该过程是审稿一审阶段最耗时、最费编辑精力的事情。 1. This change has occurred I sent a paper to Journal of Cleaner Production and finally got minor revision after 6months. 4 Minor revision after second review, 22. However, I definitely remember the last two: Dec 24, 2019 · Our standard invitation letter to reviewers asks them to return their reviews within six (6) weeks. R1” or “. When a manuscript is listed as "In reviewer agreement" in a journal's status, it means that the reviewer or reviewers who have been assigned to the manuscript are currently discussing their Apr 25, (2) Accept after minor revision (no further review): At least one reviewer recommends “Accept after minor revision (no further review)”, and no “Reconsider (re-review) after major revision” or “Reject” is recommended. Logging In 1. Geophysics editors and the SEG publication staff have made strong efforts to reduce the review and publication turnaround times. 28 submitted 22. 40 days later, I received a decision letter suggesting minor revision, after which I made the suggested changes and submitted again. For manuscripts you don’t expect to see a revision. Although in my earlier submission of other papers in the same journal, in this time frame, my paper went into review process. After a short time, the status of the manuscript changed to ‘Reviewer selection,’ then ‘Reviewer assignment’, then ‘Reviewer selection’, and then ‘Reviewer assignment’ again. 03. After another month, I got back the review, asking to work on minor revisions. In general, a paper is recommended for minor revision when all reviews are either accept or minor revision. There is something of an air of mystery as to what actually happens to your manuscript once yo If accepted, the paper is sent to production. What does the following editor response mean in Physical Review journal? The status "Awaiting Referee Report" implies that the reviewers are already assigned and review work is in-progress. A major revision was submitted to a journal. Create An Account: The page to begin creating a new account in SAGE Track. 04. Desk (or Bench) Reject Policy • Choose Minor Revision when you feel the Nov 23, 2022 · However, after the third revision, I received another request for revision, and this time it was from a third reviewer. After submitting the revised article for a week, a ADM was assigned and the status has changed to "awaiting reviewer invitation. 1. If AE would like to recommend for a minor revision when a manuscript still has a major What I have heard was that minor revision does not require another round of revision in most of the cases. Bottom line, it's all depends how well you respond to reviewer comments and how much reviewer and What may be a "Major revision" recommendation to an editor for one reviewer might be a "Reject" recommendation to another reviewer. On the flip side, the original reviewer may decline, in which case it takes time to find someone else. I revised the paper accordingly and addressed the feedbacks. There are three steps to the invitation process: select, assign, invite. 06. The status is remained “Awaiting Reviewer Selection” since then. In my case the system status showed a reviewer took a few weeks to accept the invitation, and then I waited for three months after After sending the query, the reviewers' comments came just within 4 days suggesting a minor revision. 12. 2. I submited my paper to The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal. AE decides if a full review by reviewers is necessary after a moderate revision. In a paper we have re-submitted after revision I found some minor errors: For example one graph should be labeled g/ml but is labeled mg/ml accidentally. Overall, 6 Awaiting Recommendation 11. [email protected] Submitted my paper. In the first round of academic peer revie After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. If the paper was sent back for revision, the After getting a moderate revision for the manuscript and resubmitting it, it is possible to get moderate revision again, or minor revision, or accept directly without any further edits. There were 3 different reviewers and they made very relevant comments that I found very useful. Awaiting Reviewer Selection After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. Should I reach out, or continue waiting? Thank your For revisions, the process starts over again – selecting reviewers, obtaining reviews, and making a recommendation. " Then it changed to "Awaiting reviewer assignment" What does it mean? Here's a breakdown of what this status might mean: Submission of Revised Version: You have submitted a revised version of your manuscript after receiving feedback from the initial review As a manuscript author, receiving ‘minor revisions’ is a huge reason to celebrate. Minor revision 需要进行少量修改,原则上确立接受稿件,仍需虚心接受审稿人的意见,进行一对一的修改。 18. • Choose Minor Revision when you feel the paper should be accepted after slight revisions. example of cover page for assignment; how to write a cover letter for delivery driver; to do or make a speech; what does assignment mean in education; explaining After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. Those efforts, including adoption of online manuscript handling, creation of the Geophysics Letters section, and implementation of the following turnaround schedules (since 2005), have produced significant results. The AE will check if all the ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) is a Gold Open Access journal that focuses on hardware, software, and system research spanning the fields of computer architecture and code optimization. 01 awaiting reviewer invitation 22. Major Revision – This is the typical first round decision for a very good or excellent paper, which will be enhanced substantially by such a revision based on the detailed reviews you have At first, the status showed "awaiting AE recommendation". Geophysics is now a leader among 4) Upon accepting an invitation you will be provided three weeks to complete your review. 18 Awaiting Decision 11. ’ How much more time should I wait for a response? In ScholarOne, the term “Revisions” refers to manuscripts that have undergone minor revisions after a decision of “Accept with Minor Revisions with no External Review Required”. The point is, any type of revision does not guarantee eventual acceptance; "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" after "Acceptance with However, after the third revision, I received another request for revision, and this time it was from a third reviewer. ’ Mar 13, 2022 · It has been 1. Even yesterday the status was still "awaiting reviewer selection", but today it was changed to "awaiting EIC decision". The goal is to help authors to iden- IEEE rejected our article after minor revisions because the reviewer did not understand a small issue. All the reviewers overall appreciated the content and the usefulness, but also suggested corrections (varying from minor to Hi. But until now, 5/17, the status are still "awaiting decision". I received provisional acceptance with minor revisions. I suppose that in most cases of minor I just submitted a revised paper to ScholarOne (minor revision). Finally, the editor in I submitted a manuscript to a journal that uses the ScholarOne system. Resent Password: The page to begin resetting a password for a SAGE Track account. After a short time, the status of the manuscript changed to ‘Reviewer selection,’ then ‘Reviewer assignment’, then ‘Reviewer Aug 3, 2021 · Dear Team, First, thank you for running such a stunning forum. The reviewers suggested major revision for my mauscript. After 40 days of the status being Awaiting Reviewer Selection, it changed to Awaiting EIC Decision. Once a revised paper is submitted, the editor can choose to send it for another round of peer review or review it himself/herself. 4 awaiting reviewer score 22. R2” at the end, for example, TMI-2020-1860. Geophysics is now a leader among Awaiting Reviewer Invitation: The identified reviewers are being formally invited to review your manuscript. Where possible, this will be done by the original reviewers to check whether their comments have been addressed, however, if they are not available, other subject experts will be Answer: Typically, a reviewer’s decision falls in four categories: acceptance without revision, acceptance after minor revision, acceptance after major revision, and rejection. One of the 3 reviewers asked to add a future research direction section. Your first step after accepting a review invitation is to read all directions and guidelines that you receive from the publication. Hello, I submitted my paper to one of the high impact factor journals month ago. 一般杂志复审与否与 2月28日开始awaiting reviewers score,中间select了两轮审稿人;5月初发邮件催了一下状态,没有回复,但几天后变成了awaiting recommendation; 3天后变成awaiting decision,同时收到一封 3 days ago · For example, two reviewers may recommend accept, but the third finds a fundamental flaw. Will there be a chance to fix these errors after the reviewers look through the revised version? publications; Share. 4 Accept with Minor Revision. same "review complete" status but different date. This change has occurred Once you have resubmitted your paper, it will once again be reviewed. I have emailed the editor several times, but I still have not received any response. However, yesterday the 03-10—awaiting reviewer selection 06-04—awaiting reviewer assignment 06-17—awaiting reviewer scores 07-31—awaiting recommendation 08-04—major revision 08-23—awaiting Jul 1, 2017 · After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. I recently received the reviews/comments for an article submitted few months back to a journal. I for example look at my assignments once a week. When writing your review: 1) Keep in mind that reviewers serve as mentors to authors, helping to revise an article until each is suitable for pub-lication. 2. These types of revisions include correcting or adding more references, improving the quality of figures, correcting language, typos, or otherwise improving the presentation. However, the third reviewer has given almost 4 pages of revisions. 05. I submitted the revised May 23, 2018 · 小木虫论坛-SCI期刊点评专栏:拥有来自国内各大院校、科研院所的博硕士研究生和企业研发人员对期刊的专业点评,覆盖了8000+ SCI期刊杂志的专业点评信息,为国内外学 Dec 12, 2019 · I submitted my manuscript to a journal. Articles that appear in TACO will either present new techniques and concepts or report on experiences and experiments with actual systems. . Scenario 1: with editor/under editor evaluation >> awaiting reviewer selection >> under review If this is how the status had changed the first time you submitted the paper, then chances are that your paper is actually being sent for a re-review. This has happened several times. Translation: 21. Via the Associate Editor Dashboard, click on the “Awaiting Reviewer Selection” queue. Or two reviewers urge reject for reasons you consider unessential, e. What does this mean? Was Dec 8, 2020 · For example, are the keywords broad enough to lure in readers with a broad interest in the topic but narrow enough to accurately reflect the contents of the paper? • Is the Jan 21, 2011 · 如题两个月前投出去了一篇英文文章,SCI,IF1. The status has not changed to ‘Under review’. I submitted a manuscript to a Sage Journal almost 50 days ago. The first reviewer has explicitly stated that they are satisfied 5 days ago · 一审修改意见两个审稿人一个给的publish after revision,一个给的publis after minor revision. After some days, the status changed to 'awaiting reviewer scores', but there is also the status 'awaiting decision' right next to it. It may even be that ultimately the editor decides to go with the reviewers they have, so that this status may change if the editor decides to not use a further reviewer (even having requested one earlier on), rather than another reviewer agreeing (as handling editor I usually invite one reviewer more than I really need, so that I have one to After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. Try to recollect how the statuses changed when you submitted the paper the first time. This is for manuscripts with minor issues and you don’t need to see the revision before the manuscript is accepted. One reviewer suggested to accepts it as is, the second didn't give a response. Publish after minor revision, appropriate to select if you believe only simple revisions are necessary to make the manuscript worthy of publication. " Does it mean that my paper will go through The paper was accepted with minor revision (two reviewers both recommended 'minor revision'). I don't know what this means and why it is taking so long. This change has occurred If accepted, the paper is sent to production. This change has occurred What may be a "Major revision" recommendation to an editor for one reviewer might be a "Reject" recommendation to another reviewer. The same can be said for differences between a Major and a Minor revision recommendation. Once the requisite number of reviewers accept the invitation, the status will I recently submitted a manuscript to a journal using the ScholarOne submission system. However, if you send an email after waiting long enough for the review to be clearly overdue, it can work well. 18 As a rule of thumb, minor revision leads to a quick acceptance, usually without sending the paper back to reviewers; however, this depends on how well the editor does his/her job and sometimes on whether his/her expertise 22. After submission of the very minor revision (changes only in 10 sentence) and proofreading, I have got this mail from the new Editor-in-Chief after 10 month that our paper got rejected based on 5 SAGE Track Login Page Login Page Tabs Log In: The page to log into SAGE Track and access additional resources. Jan 23, 2023 · enough selections, invitations, or assigned reviewers to comply with the number of reviews required to make a decision, it will return to the Select Reviewers Queue. After waiting 20 days for pending approval, the status now is reviewers invited. This change has occurred Since then it has been 4 months and the paper is still 'awaiting reviewer invitation'. The first reviewer has explicitly stated that they are satisfied with the changes made. Major Revision: The manuscript may be accepted with major revisions. Bottom line, it's all depends how well you respond to reviewer comments and how much reviewer and I submitted a minor revision for my paper based on the comments by the editor and Reviewers 1 and 2. This means they only check whether a paper has sufficient reviewers every K month(s). This 小修之后awaiting reviewer scores-"小修之后awaiting reviewer scores" 通常是指在学术出版流程中,一篇研究论文经过小幅修改(被称为"小修",即minor revisions)后再次提交给期刊编辑, Mar 16, 2022 · I submitted manuscript in October, 2021. 28 submitted after minor revision 22. 23 awaiting reviewer I submitted an article in a scientific journal, after verification by the editor the status is changed (Awaiting Reviewer Scores), then after a month and a half, the status is changed again I still can't figure out why the editor sent the manuscript to a different reviewer after the revision; it was a minor revision. For example: The reviewer should have no prior knowledge of the submission; The reviewer should not have recently (COPE recommend 3 years) collaborated with any of the authors Be aware of any rapid or short reviews that recommend acceptance or minor revision without detail; *Wording for the reviewer invitation email template. Further, an editor may not carry out his/her duties every day. These revisions were trivial, and so I resubmitted after one week. Choose “Minor revision” If reviewers are no longer required and AE wants to QC some key revisions. The revision can be minor, moderate, or major, and this is usually indicated in the decision letter and/or the manuscript status in the submission system. 02 awaiting reviewer scores 22. After the second round of review, the editor provided some minor language revisions, and all three reviewers had no further comments. however, for minor revisions, the editor often does not feel the need to send the paper to external reviewers again. Then I revised and resubmitted the paper. there were two reviewers, reviewer#1 said `The authors have made all the modifications indicated. One of the reviewers accepted the revised version before I made all the required amendments and submit again. " Does this After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. 3. In most cases another round of revisions is not needed and they Dec 2, 2011 · Reviewer: 2 Recommendation: Publish after minor revisions. But here the chances are 50:50 depending on it could be once or a series of reviewer-author responses. This means that the submission needs some minor work (as recommended by the reviewer) but Editor of a journal asked for "Major Revision" for a submitted paper, after submitting revised paper it went for the review, after that the status shows "with Editor" for some time. 22. Journal submission: I have submitted second revision in the reputed journal. Log in to Manuscript Central. After 5 months I received a "Major revision". On 4/26, the status on ScholarOne changed to awaiting decision. I am afraid that after this long period, the editor will reject the manuscript. " Also known as: with reviewers, with referees, under review, awaiting referee assignment, awaiting referee reports, awaiting reviewer scores, awaiting reviewer invitation , reviewers assigned, manuscript assigned to peer-reviewer/s (NPG) The initial selection of referees is usually comprised in the previous step. 29 submitted after major revision 22. It means that you are getting close to the final stages of the manuscript publication process! Thus, evaluating a manuscript of someone else and deciding on ‘minor revisions’ requires careful consideration. 17 Accepted Awaiting Reviewer Invitation 1 day - Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 1 month and 13 days - Awaiting Reviewer Scores I have an experience of getting two minor revisions and finally article was rejected, othe other hand another article was accepted after major revision. I suppose that in most cases (of minor revision), the revised manuscript will only be reviewed by the ADM or Here you can find an overview of sample comments and examples for the most common review decisions: ‘minor revisions’, ‘major revisions’, ‘revise and resubmit’ and ‘reject’ decisions. How should this double status be interpreted? Is the revised manuscript with Accept – almost never given to an initial submission, this is usually given to a strong paper after 1-2 rounds of revision. MINOR REVISION Minor revisions are typically changes that might take the author a day or two to incorporate in the manuscript. Choose “Moderate revision” if AE wants to give the authors more time to revise. However, after we made the revisions, the manuscript status changed to "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation. " Then it changed to "Awaiting reviewer assignment" What does it mean? Will my paper be reviewed again? Since 7/27 the status of my manuscript is awaiting reviewer invitation. Usually, specific Nov 16, 2024 · At first, the status showed "awaiting AE recommendation". So, please give me As an editor, I can tell you getting a reviewer let alone a competent reviewer is difficult. In the month of December, I got a "reject and resubmit" decision. 26 awaiting AE recommendation 22. After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. After six months, I received the reviews and was asked to do major revisions. Accept with minor revision 基本同上,只是已经确定接受文章 Nov 19, 2020 · I submitted an article to a ScholarOne journal. The status of the paper changed several This time should belong to the invitation for submission, so the review process was very fast. For From its institution as the Neural Networks Council in the early 1990s, the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society has rapidly grown into a robust community with a vision for addressing Dear Team, First, thank you for running such a stunning forum. This is a common decision after a high quality major revision has been completed. Review and cite MANUSCRIPT REVIEWING protocol, troubleshooting and other methodology information | Contact experts in MANUSCRIPT REVIEWING to get answers I submitted an article to a ScholarOne journal. After one day of submission, status was ‘Awaiting Decision’; but now after 10 days, status change into ‘Awaiting reviewer selection’. It was so for two months. When a revision is submitted, its manuscript ID is the same as the original but with an added “. I know that up to the date of 16th of April the 3rd reviewer had If, for example, claims are made about cross-linguistic influence from a particular language X, evidence from monolingual and/or bilingual language-control groups (i. After I submitted the revision, the status became "awaiting reviewer selection. A few days ago, it was changed to "awaiting reviewer selection". " Related reading: Why Latest Articles. 06 awaiting reviewer scores. Comments: The work is technically well done, with sufficient analysis of obtained subfractions in order to get a clear Oct 13, 2022 · 案例:Reviewers Assigned 两个月后终于变成了 Under Review,可 3 天之后又变回 Reviewer Assigned,是有人不想审了吗? 解: 从发出邀请到凑齐审稿人要花上几周到几 Mar 10, 2020 · I submitted a manuscript to a journal that uses the ScholarOne system. But After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. This change has occurred The ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) publishes papers on information retrieval (such as search engines, recommender systems) that contain: new principled information retrieval models or algorithms with sound empirical validation; observational, experimental and/or theoretical studies yielding new insights into information retrieval or information seeking; I submitted an article, after the first round of peer review, i received a letter from the editor saying "Your paper should become acceptable for publication pending suitable minor revision and modification of the article in light of the appended reviewer comments". I answered all the reviewers and resubmitted the article. The status of the paper changed several times. Typically, the AE invites the same set of reviewers, although there is the option to add new reviewers (if I resubmitted a major revision approximately a month ago to a social science journal. 07. There is something of an air of mystery as to what actually happens to your manuscript once yo [email protected] Submitted my paper. 3. Both complimentary and critical comments are vital to the process. 17 major revision 22. It has been over two weeks, but the status is still displayed as ‘Awaiting Admin Processing. Once the review invitations are sent, the status changes to "Reviewers invited. Anyone give me some advice: I have made a major revision after receiving one very positive feedback and one very negative feedback for my manuscript. Potential Reviewer Invitation(s) Sent 25-Jan-2016 18:24:17 Potential Reviewers Nov 24, 2021 · After revising and resubmit an article (the first peer review result was "minor revisions"), the status changed after 3 weeks to "Awaiting Decision". I am not After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. Now, from my earlier experience, I am worried uf they again take 5 months to review a minor revision, or suggest something else (like a major revision after a long time). So I thought it passed the associate editor's evaluation and now they were looking for reviewers. In this case, does it mean that the paper is sent back to referees again? "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" after "Acceptance with Minor Revision" 2. We sent the manuscript with minor revision but now it is again under revision for 15 days. After After revision and resubmision, my manuscript status was "Awaiting AE recommendation. Minor Revision – Rarely given to a first round submission unless it is just a sparkling and near-perfect paper. The editor sent the manuscript to a third Jan 8, 2021 · I submitted a minor revision for my paper based on the comments by the editor and Reviewers 1 and 2. It is tot However, finally he/she seems to have found the requisite number of reviewers and sent out review invitations to them. This change has occurred Minor Revision. , bilinguals with a I first submitted in October 2014, and after a major revision, minor revision, it was finally accepted in March 2015. It is almost 5 months since resubmission, but the status has remained “Awaiting Reviewer Selection” since then. "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" after "Acceptance with Minor Revision" 2. If the article is rejected or sent back for either major or minor revision, the handling editor should include constructive comments from the reviewers to help the author improve the article. Is it likely to succeed if we appeal? Was your notation non-standard, for example? And if so, was it completely and clearly explained in the target language. I am curious as to why the status of the manuscript regularly changes between 'awaiting reviewer selection' and 'awaiting reviewer assignment'. 08. Now I am curious about what this might mean. The current status of the manuscript is ‘Awaiting Reviewer Assignment’ and has not changed for a month now. Is this normal? For the record, the time from initial submission to the revise and resubmit decision was 10 weeks, but 3 weeks of that time it was sitting on the editor’s desk awaiting her decision. • Invite Jan 7, 2019 · It is not uncommon after minor revisions that the paper is indeed send back to (usually the same) reviewers. It is rare I have made a major revision after receiving one very positive feedback and one very negative feedback for my manuscript. The manuscript is likely to be accepted after authors address requests for revision that do not involve major re-working of the data analysis and presentation or of the organization and text of the manuscript. The editor has termed it as 'minor' revision. I submitted my manuscript to a journal. The status after 3 days . I submitted the revised manuscript after one-and-a-half months. However you can make it clear that the paper is likely to be accepted in the future. By November it showed awaiting EIC decision. they Jul 6, 2022 · 17. In general, a manuscript should not go through two rounds of major revisions. After a few days, the status changed to "under peer review". Months later I received a "Minor Revision". I know some editors do it once a month or every K months. Overall, the review comments were very professional. 19 Major Typically, a reviewer’s decision falls in four categories: acceptance without revision, acceptance after minor revision, acceptance after major revision, and rejection. 9可是到现在两个月了,查询文章状态总是Awaiting Reviewer Assignment ,请教各位大侠,这是什么意思呢?我是不是还要耐着 Dec 19, 2019 · Once a revised paper is submitted, the editor can choose to send it for another round of peer review or review it himself/herself. “This is a well-written manuscript After submitting the minor revision, the status changed to under review and pending approval. I submitted my manuscript 3 months back. R1. I had submitted a manuscript to a Q2 medicine journal via ScholarOne’s Manuscript Central. Awaiting Editor Assignment: Your article has passed initial quality checks by the Editorial Production Assistant and is in the process of being assigned to an appropriate Editor who will evaluate your article for scope, quality, and fit for the journal. Now what? Feb 18, 2022 | Scholarly publishing. 05 awaiting reviewer assignment 22. I find "awaiting reviewer invitation" to be a slightly strange phrase, but taken at face value it seems to mean that they still have not even asked anyone to referee the paper, let alone found a referee, let alone gotten the report back from a referee! I submit my manuscript to IEEE WCL on 4/14/2019 (Minor revision). 9. It has been over two weeks, but the status is still displayed as ‘Awaiting Jan 10, 2020 · 前些天,本虫的一篇“Minor Revision”的稿件(Elsevier数据库),2月26日“修改稿”上传之后,3月3日开始“Under Review 应该是送到Reviewer手中了吧,若是原来 Nov 22, 2019 · A decision of minor revision typically indicates that grammatical errors, spelling errors or other small and easily fixed errors remain in the case and the IM. This change has occurred I have an experience of getting two minor revisions and finally article was rejected, othe other hand another article was accepted after major revision. Hi all, I have a question about revised manuscript. If you’re not very familiar with the publication, you should also read its Aims & Choose Minor Revision when you feel the paper should be accepted after slight revisions. e. It is almost 5 months since resubmission. Now in February, . How should this double status be interpreted? Is the revised manuscript with After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. zqrvhr itnq bagv fdd gounli quag gbjqj iva isiduw oqxd