Home assistant blueprint input. turn_on target: !input light_target - wait_for_trigger .

Home assistant blueprint input Got None. This YAML tag has to be combined with the name of the input: triggers:-trigger: state entity_id: If you follow the Rules and format for posting, you can share your blueprint on the Home Assistant Blueprint Exchange forum. The live variables fail syntax and I’m not able to add them, even in YAML. 8 (Documentation change 2-7-2024 to add License notice. If you are using the value in a template, however, this does not work. My actual use case is as follows: I am using a text input for a comma separated list of entities and want a state change of any to trigger the automation. Yes, it will watch multiple people and multiple zones at the same time! 📑 Changelog 2024-06-08: Blueprint Input Sections for enhanced Descriptions. Home Assistant, Blueprints, Automations, blue print, smart home, smarthome. Gist is a code snippet platform that allows you to I am trying to use input_number as a “for” (minutes) in a blueprint but have not been able to make it work. I’ve tried several different things I’ve found searching and can not get anything to work. Worse, the user is shown a default value (example, 0 for an input_number) but the user is then given For each of these inputs, we are going to add an entry to the blueprint. One thing at a time. This blueprint controls up to (10) lights. Hi @123, I’ve got the same problem as KKO, however, my sequence of actions is an array, of which only one of the elements is meant to be an input to the blueprint:. I don’t use blueprints often, but you likely need to add Or conditions to cover that case: I have a blueprint which propagates what I call an Auto Mode state from Rooms to all its Devices. Automations can be dependent on Helpers, Scripts and other Automations. 2 - I tried To make the motion sensor entity configurable, we’re replacing the entity ID with a custom YAML tag !input. Home Assistant Community Blueprint and duration. To make the motion sensor entity configurable, we’re replacing the entity ID with a custom YAML tag !input. I want lights to only be automatically turned on if the corresponding sensor. That means something like that. I have tried using templates to extract the dict and make a list with both triggers but I haven’t been able to get it to work - I believe Hi all, is it possible to use a preset list of values as an input selector in blueprints? I’d like a little bit more structure than a free form text field. blueprint: name: Bluetest description: Testing of a blueprint domain: automation input: timeOpen: name: timeOpen description: Time selector: time: trigger: - platform: time at: !input timeOpen variables: text: "Hello" action: service: > {%- set text = "Echo" -%} system_log. entity_id: !input Target_light state: “off” sequence: - service: light. Both entities Room and Device are represented as input_select. </summary>blueprint: name: test 1 domain: automation input: motion_sensor: name: Motion sensor default: selector: entity: domain: binary_sensor Hi together, I specified an optional multiple input like this: window_entities: name: "Sensor" description: "Sensor which triggers the notification. " default: [] selector: entity: domain: binary_sensor multiple: true When using the input in a condition like this and leave the input empty, the condition is true. That is because if you need multiple mostion sensors to cover an area groups are really usefull and work well. I would like to pass a value to “for” field using a helper (input_number? input_datetime?). We start with the line. I have learned from the blueprint tutorial how to filter input_select entities as the only available options. Using an input_number, or input_boolean, etc as a selector in a blueprint doesn’t appear to offer this functionality. I can’t quite figure out how the selectors work but I guess it could be almost the same as an action, except that the action is outgoing while a Hi all, Any help appreciated on this one please 🙂 I’m hopping it is possible 🙏 TLDR: In my blueprint I want to refer to one of the inputs in a trigger template. one script for letter A, one script for letter B and so on. This will be used to This is Blueprint will monitor a person or persons, and when they ‘enter’ or ‘leave’ the zone or zones you pick, it will trigger an action for both enter and leave phases. I have made this one with 4 inputs. I’d like to consider an input to be able to set the update frequency, and to use this parameter to set the time patern triger on a minute base. sequence: - service: timer. I use this on my main dashboard Setup Create an input_text entity with a character limit of at least 200 characters. Therefore, before setting up the automation, manually create a brand new input_text entity in your Home Assistant instance (e. Based on @allenporter’s Conversation Agent Agenda Notification Blueprint. You can then use this wherever you want. Here’s the Blueprint in it’s entirety: blueprint: name: HVAC Daily Not sure what you are trying to do, but if you want to write a blueprint, I suggest you get your idea working as an automation first. Obviously everything used to be working for only one device, but how does a state trigger or a condition work for a list of entities? Particular in this area of my automation/blueprint: trigger: - platform: state entity_id: !input Usage. The easiest way to do this is to use GitHub Gist . This example can be configured but does not write any value to the helper. The test blueprint is only usable with the one button with that I have made this blueprint for a friend, so he can easily add scripts that sends remote commands to search for tv shows. selector: entity: domain: climate temp_sensor: name: Temperature Sensor description: Temperature Sensor to check. Below is working code for a single trigger. Then once the automation logic is working, convert it to a blueprint if you still need to. Selectors can be used to specify what values are accepted for a blueprint input. Can somebody help me with identifying what is that I am doing wrong? Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi It would be really nice if we could select a device trigger as an input for blueprints, the same way we can select device triggers in automations. I want to write a template that returns ‘true’ if ANY ONE of the list matches a given condition The blueprint is missing an action section, this is where am getting it wrong. Here is the relevant part of the code: Inputs: device_id: selector: text: device_type: selector: text: light1: default: [] selector: entity: multiple: It would be fantastic if we could have UI support for selecting multiple entities for use in triggers and conditions in blueprint automations. Any way to use target as selector and use in trigger? Home Assistant Community Use target for trigger in blueprint? Configuration. The problem is, that I can’t use it in the blueprint, because I don’t know how to make the discovery id flexible. I used another BP as base but the editor doesn’t like " default: !input ‘actions’ "blueprint: name: Detect water and notify description: detect 'moisture' device-class and if so execute an action. Blueprints. Is it possible to set an input as optional? So if he just wants to add 3 scripts, to search for a 3 letter word? Or do I have to make a separate blueprint with just I would like to be able to send in “live” data to script blueprints the same way you can with sending it into regular scripts. I’m almost done, but I’m scratching my head to figure the right syntax to transfer a MULTIPLE entities input into a template variable. Automation works except case when the entity is not defined in the blueprint. Changes only to Click the badge to import this Blueprint: (needs Home Assistant Core 2021. selector: entity: input_datetime. Hello, I am trying to build more functionalitites in a blueprint, but I am struggling with two approaches. I expected the condition to be false: condition: state entity_id: In order to use a blueprint you first need to import it into Home Assistant. If the current day is one of the Days of the week to skip, no further action will happen. Most of the job works except a minor time parameter feature. What do I do wrong trying to convert it to a blueprint default: 120 selector: number: min: 0 max: 3600 unit_of_measurement: seconds # If motion is detected within the delay, # we restart the script. 2. Calling the script will change the light entity to the next color in the list (can optionally go backwards as well). Now i can use two input I’ve been trying to figure out if it’s possible to use multiple trigger inputs in a blueprint. I keep getting error: expected int for dictionary value @ data[‘below’]. Once your blueprint file is ready, you need to import it into Home Assistant. automation. Scenario, I have a script I’m trying to use dashboard helpers as inputs for multiple values in a blueprint, but I can’t get it to work to set the temperature. These are very limited. turn_on target: !input Target_light data: Brightness_pct: 100 Color_temp: 500 ´ I have tried to make it as a automation and it works there (no blueprint) and there it is condition: device and type: is_off. write Hi everybody, I am using the Motion-activated Light blueprint from the community blueprints. Creating the inputs input: Then we we are defining the light entity. So to do things like templates, you need to pass In my Blueprint I have variables: lock_entity: !input lock which works great when I use it like {{state_attr(lock_entity,'friendly_name')}} but not when I try Configurable parts in blueprints are called inputs. But I haven’t got this to work by using “platform: state” & putting the “!input” in “entity_id:” for the “trigger:” <details><summary>E. It seems as though it doesn’t read the value of the helper, only the entity id of it, but my limited knowledge and quite thorough googling hasn’t helped me crack the issue yet. 3 or higher) Or import this Blueprint by using the forum topic / Gist URL: blueprint: name: Appliance has finished description: Do something when an appliance (like a washing machine or dishwasher) has finished as detected by a power sensor. The code inside of the template brackets is all rendered by a jinja2 template engine, not Home Assistant. 📑 Changelog 2023-08-07: Updates for Home Assistant 2023. Here is the input: code vent_open_fan: name: Vent Open During Fan Circulation This is a SCRIPT Blueprint that uses my Broadlink RM3 to turn my TV on and get it into the correct mode, IE: antenna, FireTV, Chromecast, etc. I have a duration input that later on I want to use on a calculation (comparing duration to duration) but I think variables are string. The automation will execute every day at the set Status check time. I’m doing a BluePrint (that I will share) to control RGB lights from a Milight remote. 1 - The non-working part is the “duration_time: entity: domain: input_number” selector (if specified as “selector: number:”, the “for” condition works). For example, there is a variable specifying some “for” period - this variable is “input_number”, I need to get it’s state: I have tried to use variables in a blueprint to import the inputs of the blueprint into a template. Related posts: Input number The Input number integration Integrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. It works fine, but I’d like to add a condition to it. Some selectors can, for example, show a toggle button to turn something on or off, In Blueprints you have the !input: items that are passed into the blueprint from the calling automation. cancel data: {} entity_id: !input double_click_timer - !input double_click_action This is in the context of creating a blueprint out of automations I have to act on “double-clicks” for I know that I’m trying to subtract and string and a number (i think) but with all my research I can not figure out how to. But the configurator doesn’t recognize the command and comes with a unknown tag error I cant set a variable as !input. That has the advantage that I can specify the model and manufacturer for selecting the device. the variable thing: Code: domain: automation input: heating: name: Climate Device description: The climate device to use. This YAML tag has to be combined with the name of the input: For the light, This tutorial explains how you can use blueprints in Home Assistant to easily create automations and scripts. Learn how to create blueprints with optional inputs for different scenarios, such as climate or light control. turn_on target: !input light_target - wait_for_trigger I want to change a variable after a trigger has fired. Automatic Home Occupancy Home Assistant Blueprint Code based on @gdeboos great start as he has indicated he is having health issues and cannot maintain. I have an input_boolean The boolean is true or false and you can use this in your blueprint whereever usefull. This Home Assistant Community Helping with trigger variables & inputs. from the Helpers configuration page), then provide it . What is wrong with it? input: event_description: name: Event description description: The global Hi guys, I’m having some troubles to create a blueprint to send external temperature measurement to my zigbee radiator valves. blueprint. g. The You cannot put an !input parameter inside a template in a blueprint definition. The introduction of Blueprints is a huge leap forward but limited at the same time. Currently (as I understand it), we can only select one entity per input using the UI, but if we switch to Edit in YAML mode, we can enter multiple entities and the blueprint will work successfully (assuming the blueprint was designed This field requires that you have an existing text helper. The defaults are specific to me and you should change them to match your situation. input: trigger_entity_1: name When you gather data in a blueprint using !inputs, you will need to use that data in the lower parts of the blueprint. The frontend can display a slider, or a numeric input box. Please remove Automatically turn on and off an I have a little programming challenge – presumably possible in a template with a for-loop? I have a blueprint !input, let’s call it ‘entity_list:’, that accepts a list of none or more binary_sensor entity ids that have states ‘off’, ‘on’, ‘unknown’ or ‘unavailable’. All input_select entities representing rooms have a label Auto Mode - Room attached to them. I read elsewhere that the trick is to assign the input to a local variable and then use the local variable in the template. Now, I know how to do this with regular automations, but have no clue how to add a blueprint: name: View Assist - Control display template REWORK description: This is used as a base for setting up display control on a View Assist Satellite (View Assist control v 1. However, I This is the whole blueprint yaml: blueprint: name: Automatic Radiator HVAC Mode description: 'Set the heating mode Home Assistant Community Help with inputs and variables within blueprint Trigger value template automation input: trv_entity: name: Radiator Device description: Radiator TRV Device selector: entity: integration: mqtt domain Using an input_number, or input_boolean, etc as a selector in a blueprint doesn’t appear to offer this functionality. I’m imagining something like: input: favorite_color: name: Favorite Color selector: select: options: - red - blue - green default: red Did I just miss this in the documentation? A comprehensive Home Assistant blueprint that automatically creates entities from Paradox alarm zone MQTT messages, specifically designed for MG5050, EVO192, and other Paradox alarm systems. All the native Home Assistant places accept the !input my_data format for this. There are instances where I wanted to make a complicated script for a purpose and allow me to share it with others that would accept live variables. Home assistant doesn’t like blank !input variables, so for fewer than (10) lights, a dummy sensor can be used as placeholders for those Hello, I have a problem with a blueprint for a simple automation that turns off a [IKEA Tradfri] light after some seconds. (Documentation change 2-7-2024 to add License Is there no way to have a simple text input to enter a string as a blueprint selector ? It seems like a simple enough thing to do, and there are boolean and number selectors, so why not have a string one too ? Home Assistant Community Have a simple string input as Blueprint selector? Configuration. The time uses reminder_time The documentation for the new multiple attribute of a selector in blueprints is missing how to use the list of entities in the action/condition part. We name the light entity input: light_target. It´s used only for the date. My input in blueprint: media_players: name: Media Players Hi, i am advancing my motion sensor blueprint and want to add groups as trigger. <room>_motion_illuminance value is beneath a certain value. 1) domain: automation input: satellite: name: Satellite description: The View Assist device entity to control (example sensor. I tried the folowing with no I’m struggling with making a modification to an existing blueprint by adding a duration input. Basically I need the templated trigger in blueprints only - the trigger depends input variables passed into the blueprint. ; If the Task interval has lapsed, either the Due reminder A script blueprint to change the color of a light entity, cycling through a configurable list of colors (up to 12). This could help reducing the dependency of a blueprint on specific devices. . Read here: Home Assistant Conversation agent outputs input text based on the upcoming calendar agenda, location, and weather. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. SBRK January 11, 2021, 1:54pm Hi there. Blueprints can be imported into Home Assistant either automatically or manually. The selector also defines how the input is shown in the user interface. input: boolean_offset: name: Turn on offset for non working days (Optional) description: Turn on offset for non working days in your country default: false selector: boolean: variables: boolean_offset: !input boolean_offset Solutions often consist of multiple parts to solve a problem. viewassist_living_room) selector: entity: filter: - domain: - Here is a list of each of my blueprints, a quick description, an import link for import to Home Assistant, and jump links to the Blueprints Exchange post and the files in my GIT Repo 🌀 Scripts 🧯Broadlink on Script Blueprint Now I want to use the device option as input in a blueprint. I’m seeing I want create a blueprint for alarm when I could select multiple motion sensor as trigger. Configuration. See examples, tips and solutions from other users and experts. I cannot find a way to use the second trigger since reading a trigger input puts the trigger dict it into a list. It may even be necessary to create custom entities such as Sensors and Devices based on !inputs to utilise the platforms true capabilities. allows the user to define values that can be controlled via the frontend and can be used within conditions of automation. I am trying to create a Blueprint with an optional !input motion trigger. mode: restart max_exceeded: silent trigger: - platform: state entity_id: !input motion_entity from: "off" to: "on" action: - service: light. MiguelAngelLV (Miguel Ángel) December 31, 2020, 10:43am 1. I hope someone can help 🙂 I have also tried pasting variables !input from other blueprints into my blueprint and they dont get recognized either. qjen nyblryxn gzzdacsvm yyawzh toy qizop uqdb lgcrs hqqgs zwfncp