Chaliswan in islam. .
Chaliswan in islam In their family they do chaliswan ( ie after 40 days of the deceased they have a large gathering in their house. It is a common religious practice among the Muslims of our society to arrange a collective recitation of the Quran on event like Rasm e Qul, Fatiha and Chaliswan, for the benefit of a recently departed soul. In Raddul Muhtar it is said that according to a Hadith: #MuftiTariqMasood, #Allah, #islam #MuftiTariqMasoodBayan,#AskMuftiTariqMasood,Chaliswan ya Barsi Manana | Ask Mufti Tariq MasoodJoin Aur Private Grouphttps:/ #Shorts #YoutubeShorts #Chaliswan• Speaker of Program:(Mufti Tariq Masood)PLEASE NOTEOur content is based only on the different islamic subjects (taken from بہرحال صورتِ مسئولہ میں جس شخص پر قربانی واجب ہو اوروہ والدین کی وفات یا ان کے چالیسویں یا برسی وغیرہ کی وجہ سے قربانی نہ کرے، تو یہ ناجائز اور گناہ ہے۔. It is not permissible to take part in or attend such gatherings. Is it proper to do so? Occasions like Qul, Chaliswan, and Barsi are not only useless, they are very likely to be categorized as bid’at which is an attempt to add to (innovate) God’s religion something that was not given by His messenger, alaihissalaam. " (كتاب الأضاحي، باب الأضاحي واجبة أم لا؟،. What happens in some Muslim countries where the friends and relatives of the deceased gather after 40 days to read Quraan, make duaa for him and remember him is undoubtedly bidah (reprehensible innovation) for which no authority has been revealed by Allaah. This provides sanction from holding the gathering on the occasions of Teejah, and Cheh'lam (Chaliswan) is a practice among the saintly persons of the Ahlus Sunnah, which is in a sense their sunnah. They all make dua and recite Quran shareef and have food on just that specific day. This provides sanction from holding the gathering on the occasions of Teejah, and Cheh’lam (Chaliswan) is a practice among the saintly persons of the Ahlus Sunnah, which is in a sense their sunnah. سننِ ابنِ ماجہ میں ہے: "عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه: أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: "من كان له سعة، ولم يضح، فلا يقربن مصلانا. It encompasses a series of devotional acts performed with the intention of seeking closeness to the Divine and cultivating a profound connection with Allah. ) I explain to her that we should make dua everyday for the deceased not just on a specific day. The prophet, alaihissalaam, said: “You must follow my sunnah and that of the rightly-guided caliphs. In Raddul Muhtar it is said that according to a Hadith: Chaliswan, a term rooted in Arabic, encapsulates a spiritual practice deeply ingrained in the fabric of Islamic worship. " (كتاب الأضاحي، باب الأضاحي واجبة أم لا؟، What happens in some Muslim countries where the friends and relatives of the deceased gather after 40 days to read Quraan, make duaa for him and remember him is undoubtedly bidah (reprehensible innovation) for which no authority has been revealed by Allaah. ucdig lhdj zzsui oazd fmuqlzsw dotsx dbj jsvudv wpd lvxvdc